人相格局决定结果 Contour/Structure determines outcomes
- 眼睛是你赚钱能力的格局;
- 眉毛是你经济利润的格局;
- 鼻子是你守财能力的格局;
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Bodily structure is tangible and objective. It is visible, touchable and sensible.
- The eyes structure(contour) is the limit of your financial ability;
- The eyebrows structure(contour) is the limit of your profitability;
- The nose structure(contour) is the limit of your money saving ability;
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Big Earlobe rarely suffers from poverty
Big & Thick ear mean longevity
Ear with hair means longevity
礼 (儒家),儒家使用的一个概念,指上下有别,有序等。
According to Confucianism, Li(Manner) is a concept refer to proper order for each individual.
Kindness仁,Righteousness义, Courtesy礼, Wisdom智, Faithfulness信 ,loyalty忠 Filial Piety孝, Honesty廉, Shame耻 and Courage勇 are virtues promoted by Confucianism. All these characteristics are needed in society and useful at individual and social level.
“耻,乃人禽之别也”Chi, sense of shame or ability to feel shameful. This capability is possessed by human being but not found in the world of animal. This sense to feel shame define an individual is “human” or “animal”.
Confucianism emphasizes on “Four Ordinals Eight Virtues. Four ordinals refers to Courtesy, Righteousness, Honesty, Shame; which make up 4 ordinals.
Eight Virtues are loyalty, filial piety, kindness, love, faithfulness, righteousness, harmony and peace. ( Sun Yat Sen version)
八德:孝、悌、忠、信、礼、义、廉、耻 (传统版)
8 Confucianism’s Virtues (Traditional Version)
《忠——英雄气概的情操》Loyalty – source of hero charisma
《孝——事业兴旺之本源》Filial – source of career advancement
《悌——家庭兴旺的来源》Brother – source of family prosperity
《信——立身兴业的基点》Faithfulness – source of everything
《礼——人际文明的规范》Courtesy – source of civility and temperament
《义——人间正道的向导》Righteousness – source of Power
《廉——清白正气的根基》Honesty – source of Self Integrity & Purity
《耻——人之为人的底线》 Shame – basic Limit as Human
The Workshops are meant to mould your skill of face reading and personal charisma.
The Final Dao Face Reading Workshops(5 & 6) will be on this weekend Sat and Sun, 29-30 Sep 2012, 10:15am – 5:15pm at YMCA Penang.
Master Soon
email : master@mastersoon.com
mobile: +6012 560 3333