Based on analysis in part 1 :; then
- Year 2020 is Golden/White Horse/Chariot of Islam for Malaysia. Because
- 2020 is symbol of 2 wheels chariot
- Ma(马) of MA-laysia is Horse &
- SIA(西亚) of Malay-SIA is West Asia/Arab/Islam
- Golden Horse of Islam means that Islamic agenda will be accelerated further as it is the most effective political tool for either ruling coalition or opposition parties.
- Both sides will try to portrait themselves to be whiter/holier golden horse of Islam.
- Year 2020 is Golden/White Horse/Chariot of Islam for Malaysia. Because
- Year 2020 Metal Rat Geng Zi 庚子 is year of battle/friction/dispute/clash/quarrel. Because
- Chariot is meant for battle
- Geng 庚 is Metal Weapon
- Rat is clashing with name of Ma(Horse)-laysia
- Under various campaigns of Holier than Thou from Muslim community, this will set further apart between Muslim Vs Non-Muslim; Halal Vs Haram.
- Malaysia society is polarized and segmented further.
- 2020 is Geng Zi 庚子; where Geng庚 is Axe and Zi 子 is successor, heir, heritor, inheritor or replacement.
- The context here is : to axe the successor by running the chariot of Islam.
- Then, who is the successor or the so-called inheritor?
- Anwar Ibrahim is considered as successor to Tun Mahathir as incoming Prime Minister.
- Some say Azmin Ali is considered as real successor; while others say Mukhriz is the one.
- Whatever, Mukhriz will not be axed by Tun Mahathir.
- If so, then will Anwar Ibrahim or Azmin Ali be axed under the name of Islamic Horse?
- On the 3nd of Jan 2020, Maszlee Malik was axed from the position of Minister of Education.
- It means “to be axed” or “to axe” is real for Malaysia 2020.
- Then, which successor is possibly to be axed?
- Could it be Anwar Ibrahim or Azmin Ali? Could it be the third or the fourth person not yet known?
- Malaysia 2020 is White/Golden Chariot(Horse) of Islam.
- Does it mean Holier than Thou moral ethics will be used to Axe…..?
- Nobody knows….. let us wait and see…..
Stay Tuned
《东方智慧》Oriental Wisdom – Master Soon
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