- Malaysia Socio-Economic characteristic is Soft Wood, or fern (a flowerless plant that has feathery or leafy fronds) during Early Autumn Season. Soft Wood of Early Autumn requires an atmosphere where the temperature(Fire) is moderate with sufficient water supply, besides nice and fertile soils. If there are some Big Trees to act as support and sunshield, it would be much better for the growth of Malaysia Socio-economics.
- In Year 2016, there are 2 Bing Fire (Big Sun) & 1 Ding Fire (Fire Generator) which make Bing Fire (Big Sun) contribute 21% and Ding Fire(Fire Generator) contribute 7% of the energy to Malaysia Economic Outlook.
- This makes the “economic temperature” much hotter than desired for the Month of Birth(Early Autumn Season) for Soft Wood, the Malaysia Socio-Economics. This could be translated as Malaysia Economics is “receiving external hot criticism due to apparent economic speculative activities; which impose pressure to economy, but does not contribute to the REAL growth”.
- The percentage of Fire, 21%+7%=28% is perceived as excessive heat by [(28-20)/20]x100%= 40% compared to what is desirable and bearable by Soft Wood, the Malaysia Socio-Economics Indicator.
- The extra heat by 40% is definitely dehydrating(loss of water) Soft Wood, the Malaysia Socio-Economics. Under the excessive heat, Soft Wood has no other way but to shrink/retreat itself to become smaller in size for ultimate survival; as the WATER element only shows 8% in year 2016, which is far below from rescuing/saving the Soft Wood under the Hot Sun.
- Hence, Malaysians should be cautioned/warned that the economic heat(pressure) to come, should make them to apply more conservative attitude in spending as the market will shrink in term of productions, distributions and consumption of goods and services by approx. 40%.
- Nevertheless, there are 19% of Big Trees come into presence to rescue and protect the dehydrated Soft Wood, the Malaysia Socio-Economics. Big Trees refers to the Fund Reserves of Malaysia. However, This kind of rescue could only reduce the heat by [(19/40)x100%]= 47.5% of the economic constraints; but cannot put off the heat pressure totally.
- As the Big Tree is under attacked of Grand Duke(Monkey) of Six Clashes; this could indicate that the Federal Fund & Reserve Fund of Malaysia would further being tarnished and downgraded. Malaysia currency could not run away from being affected.
- Metal is representing the legitimacy and authoritative power of Malaysia Government. Metal contributes 28% to the overall of energy for Malaysia in 2016. It is [(28-20)/20]x100%= 40% above average.
- This spells out that the government of Malaysia will adopt much more hegemonic control thru various channels in re-balancing the hot criticisms prompted out from the excessive economic pressures of the public.
- Due to excessive heat and dehydration to the Soft Wood (Malaysia Socioeconomics Indicator), Earth(14%) which represents the WEALTH, does not promise the fruitful ending as the earth is devastated/destroyed by the excessive dried WOOD(22%) and dehydrated by EXTRA heat(28%) and make the EARTH becomes Barren Land.
- The excessive heat has made the trees become leafless and all plants are shrinking in Fire Monkey Year 2016.
- A year where the Monkey is on the leafless tree with NO Fruits and NO Water. Sitting on the leafless tree branches on high, the Monkey is looking out with gloomy face and disappointing eyes into the once “Promised Reserved Land” ; but now has become Barren Land.
- The Economic Scenario for Malaysia in 2016, does not portray a Positive Outlook. On the contrary, it looks more pessimistic.
- Conservative attitude is the way to secure a domestic family throughout the whole year of 2016 for Malaysians.
- Malaysia Industries Outlook 2016 will be issued in a separate article soon.
Stay Tuned for More Information
Profile of Master Soon
Having completed years of research in the “unknown, untold and unconventional”, Master Soon, shares meaningful insights on “How to redesign & reinvent your luck”. His method on “Destiny Reinvention” to corporate level on top of social strata until personal level at various segments of the public has touched many souls.
His proven UNknown “destiny make over” method has won him fame & clients in China, India, Malaysia, Thailand, Singapore, Hong Kong, Macau, Taiwan & Switzerland.
Contact: master@mastersoon.com or WhatApp: 6012 560 3333