- Upon several long-term blog readers’/supporters’ requests for BaZi Tips 2024, this article is useful for your reference.
- I put some colors on this graphic for elaboration & hope it is meaningful for you.
- The year 2024 甲辰 Jia Chen consists of
- 甲木 Pine Wood / Thunderstorms 暴风 53%
- 乙木 Flower / Wind 顺风 10%
- 戊土 Mountain / Afterglow 霞气 20%
- 癸水 Rain / Meteor Shower 流星雨 17%
- Although green is the dominant color, green/wood only consists of 63%
- Even that, Wood Element is divided into
- Thunderstorms 53%
- Calm Wind 10%
- Some BaZi require the presence of Thunderstorms 雷霆 to break through their year-long bottleneck because they need external intervention to pull them out of the dormant.
- Hence, the thunderstorm is not bad for THEM.
- If your bazi is too hot, this year (rainwater 17%) may relieve you for a little moment.
- However, the thunderstorm (53%) may spike up your super hot condition as well to be Dry Thunder 旱天雷, besides having the danger of meteorites(17%).
- By then, 癸水(17%) is not a constructive rainwater, but the attack of meteorites on the individual!
- 戊土 Mountain / Afterglow 霞气 (20%) is the 2nd largest element.
- It is very constructive to those BaZi born in the early morning & late afternoon.
- Afterglow 霞气 (早霞晚霞20%) has a very minimum impact (or zero impact) on those Time of Birth from 9 am – 5 pm.
- Because there is no Afterglow 霞气 (早霞晚霞)under broad daylight or hot sun.
- The factors that make your personal BaZi(Luck) react functionally different include:
- The 4 Seasons of Your Birth
- The Month of your birth
- The Time of your birth
- The 1o element of the Day of your birth (甲乙丙丁戊己庚辛壬癸)
- The % of each 10 element
- By the way, the popular belief, the symbol of your Chinese Zodiac only consists of just a few % in shaping your luck yearly.
- Hope this will give some perspective on the Year 2024 甲辰年!
- Good Luck to you in the Year 2024!
Stay Tuned
Master Soon
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