This is Penang Island, viewing from Northern Angle and Looking South Direction. The Yellow Square is the actual location of Teluk Bahang Dam. The construction was taken place during the reign of Former Penang State Chief Minister, Khor Tzu Khoon. The Teluk Bahang Dam was built and completed in 1999 to provide an alternative source of water supply to the Ayer Itam Dam and the Botanic Gardens Waterfall. The dam has a height of 58.5 meters and a length of 685 meters. In 2004, 25th of June, I was interviewed by Oriental Daily 东方日报 and I had predicted the weakening in term of political power of the then Penang State Chief Minister, Khor Tzu Khoon, or even worse, would make the down fall of the then Penang State political power. Why? Because the Dam construction went against the principle of political feng shui…..
2005 nothing happened politically. However, 2006,2007, 2008 were the years Malaysians and Penang people witnessed a lot of political incidents, political issues and political threats happened in Penang State in particular and Malaysia in general. Year 2006-2008 were the dark ages for the former Penang State Chief Minister, Khor Tzu Khoon(he was the chief minister of Penang from 1990-2008). He and his party lost ALL seats in State level in general election 2008. It was a drastic political change in 2008. Prior to that, 2006-2008 were a political period we Malaysians experienced many political issues in term of ethnic conflicts and also religion conflict.
这是马拉西亚槟城岛屿(曾经是孙中山海外东南亚革命的重点,也是现在马拉西亚唯一华人为省长的州属). 黄色四方位为九十年代末期(1999年)建成的水坝.它是在前任槟城州首席部长(省长),许子根(1990-2008担任首席部长) 在位时建设的。 2004年6月25日,我接受《东方日报》访问针对槟州华人政权一事发表看法时,已经慎重的向州政府发出警告,次水坝风水;既是直落巴巷水坝必导致该州现任政府政权削弱甚至垮台. 原因是它的位置与建造设计严重的违背地理风水原理。
2005年槟城政府没什么大事发生。一年过去了, 大家都问我测对不对。然而, 2006,2007 以及2008年切如我预言般的一一出现. 身为华人父母官,却不敢捍卫华人的权益;宁愿民族收百般的屈辱,也不为民族发出抗议之声。如果你是马拉西亚华裔,你一定会记得 2006-2008这间发生了何其多空前的种族歧视的严重事件. 但是没有一个华裔中央或省级/州级的部长出来抗议. 因为怕丢官. 2006-2008年发生了许多种族冲突和宗教冲突。最后,华裔投下手中一票;将他和他领导的政党,一个不留 埋葬他与其政党于 2008年全国大选. 2008年,他的政权完结,如同我2004年的预测.

Former Penang Chief Minister Constructed Teluk Bahang Dam; the Feng Shui of the Dam Made Him Down Fall in 2008. Master Soon Had Predicted This in year 2004. 前任槟城州首席部长(省长) 建设次水坝;然而其风水却造成2008年垮台。

The Former Penang State Chief Minister who reigned from 1990-2008. However, The feng shui of the Dam he constructed sent him out from the post. 前任槟州首席部长 (省长) 在位长达18年 (1990-2008).然而,他所建立的水坝风水却断送他的政权.2008年全军覆没....

This is the photo of former chief minister, Khor Zhu Khoon. His political alliance, UMNO, also disrespected him buy destroying his ministerial portrait. 许子根 18年给马来政党办事做《跑腿省长》,但换来的是自己的官方照片给一个芝麻小官众撕裂侮辱。这证明他是削权傀儡,华裔轻视他, 他的马来人政治伙伴也羞辱他.