Dear All Master Soon Blog Readers:
Allow me to make a simple announcement about Malaysian Personal BaZi(Luck) 2015 Reading.
Since September 2014, I have been receiving many online Personal BaZi(Luck) Reading specially from Malaysia.
The inquiries getting more and more after I have posted various articles about the future of Malaysia through “MALAYSIA PROPHECY”.
Most of the Personal BaZi Reading 2015 inquirers are Malaysians (East Malaysia & West Malaysia) who are agreeable to my work for “MALAYSIA PROPHECY” and with my prediction of Malaysia down the road.
Most of them are professionals and businessmen in their respective field but share the same ideas as mine for “MALAYSIA PROPHECY”.
HALF of the Personal BaZi Reading inquirers are of Middle Upper Class who are planning to migrate in a very near future to Canada, Australia, New Zealand, United Kingdom. This trend is no surprise now as I had witnessed to last migration wave taken place between Year 2008- year 2013. Aprrox. 95% of these inquirers are NON-Muslim.
HALF of the Personal BaZi Reading inquirers are of Middle Range Income, who have no sufficient fund to migrate. They come to me to look into all possibilities including making use of BaZi and Feng Shui to buck up and boost their strength in short and medium term. 100% of them are NON-Muslim.
I would like to share that ALL of them come not only with worry mindset but also “FEAR” of MALAYSIA uncertainty. Fear of their future as a NON-Muslim in Malaysia. Fear of their children, FEAR of their grandchildren in 10-20 years down the road in Malaysia. Kindly be noted that they are from NON-Muslim Middle Class and Above with tertiary education background. ALL of them are professional like accountant, lawyer, engineer, CEO, Top Ranking Insurance Manager, SMI businessmen……
The statistic of online Personal BaZi 2015 Reading since September 2014 till Feb 2015 from my observation, show that NON-Muslim Upper Middle Class do not think that government as well as opposition could secure a better tomorrow for their children and decided to take a drastic action to leave…… It is in fact a sad news to Malaysia…..
From these 2 contrast BaZi (personal destiny) grouping : Able to Migrate Vs Unable to Migrate; I have got many inspirations that never told by Ancient BaZi classics. From the findings, we cannot deny that human is born with inequality. It is opposing western philosophy that INDIVIDUAL is born with equality. My work shows that : NO SUCH THING about Equality of Human Race. Human race/Individual is born with INEQUALITY.
As share the vision of “MALAYSIA PROPHECY”, hence my time priority will be given to Malaysians. Then follow by Singaporeans, then Indonesians. I do receive inquiries from Europe and United States. Yet, I am afraid I do not have enough time.
Malaysia is experiencing the turn of LUCK CYCLE politically and socio-economically. Therefore, my priority is given to Malaysian first.
To fellow Malaysians, if need your destiny reading, you may email me at Yet, you need to Q-up for about 7-10 working days. This is because each reading is done by myself manually. Time and compassion are need to each soul of BaZi who cry for help…..
Yet, I hold the rights to accept your inquiry or REJECT.
To Non-Malaysian, my apology if I cannot serve you in time. This is because we have more critical issues back in Malaysia.
Profile of Master Soon
Having completed years of research in the “unknown, untold and unconventional”,Master Soon, shares meaningful insights on“How to redesign & reinvent your luck”. His method on “Destiny Reinvention” to corporate level on top of social strata until personal level at various segments of the public has touched many souls.
His proven UNknown “destiny make over” method has won him fame & clients in China, India, Malaysia, Thailand, Singapore, Hong Kong, Macau, Taiwan & Switzerland.
“ Metaphysical Destiny Revivalism” is his blissful psyche power.
“Metaphysical Luck Renewal” is his unconventional motto.
“Destiny Victory” is his audiences’ satisfaction.
Master Soon has completed more than 20 years in researching the established and esoteric facets of Chinese metaphysics and mind strategies, plus unorthodox patterns of Destiny Reinventing method.
and has years to his name, specializing in business feng shui consultation apart from being an adviser in enlightening and inspiring using his Untold Chinese metaphysics. He has also been invited by corporations in Malaysia, Singapore, Switzerland, India, Thailand, Hong Kong and China to share his knowledge. Some of his past seminars include topics on
- Riding the Horse Year of 2014
- Unknown yet Effective Feng Shui Secrets
- Unknown Monetary Zone
- Untold Treasure Belt
- Unorthodox Way of Destiny Re-design
- Untold Secrets of Luck Re-direction
- Property Feng Shui for Investors,
- Property Projection by Yijing Prediction
- Corporate Feng Shui for Top Management
- Lantern Festival Long Term Money
His proven unconventional method in luck design is effective, striking and impressive.
Contact: or call 6012 560 3333