English Translation for the Testimonial Above.
Master Soon, thanks for your patience in answering my questions and clearing my doubts. Your analysis inspires my inner wisdom and enlightens my intelligence a lot; (In Chinese mindset, extraordinary wisdom only appears by saintly/angelic inspiration from within and written as 恍然大悟; while, worldly knowledge accumulated by illumination from 3rd party) besides, instant clearing the hidden mindset sabotages & mentality obstructions(茅塞顿开). This makes me fully understand the importance for the choice of high level wisdom enlightenment. I am proud to have the chance in exchanging ideas with you. You detailed explanation is so down to earth to be inspired and enlightened. This alerts me the importance of getting advice from an “enlightened” master 明师. How I wish to get to know you much earlier. You have inspired/enlightened me about “Metaphysics” under the light of ” TRUTH of the TRUTHFULNESS 真真切切. In the future, I will come and seek for the light of TRUTHFULNESS from Master Soon again.
Below are some parts of the Private Discussion Contents Made Public.
玄学不是科学,诚如星相学不是天文学 Metaphysics is not science. It is just like Astrology is NOT Astronomy.
科学是根据前因后果. Science is based on Cause and Effect.
- 玄学是根据 巧合现象. Metaphysics is based on Synchronicity.
- 由于八字是根据玄学所讲究的巧合现象,所以造就了看现象(有相和无相)而推理“巧合性”。所以玄学超越了科学(只局限于有相)
Since Bazi & Feng Shui are based on the principle of Synchronicity under Metaphysics, this makes BaZi & Feng Shui to include More direct & indirect variables(invisible & visible) into their holistic analysis; which normally and carelessly ignored by scientists due to their wisdom blindness. Hence, metaphysics is NEARER to the TRUTH compared to science due to scientific narrowness.
玄学看的是有相和无相;远远超越了跛脚的科学(受有相约束而对无相的无知);Metaphysics look at the greater scenario of visible & invisible; much far sighted compared to the crippled scientific limitation (which is constraint by the ignorance towards the invisible).
所以八字虽看地理时间却不受时间性约束;而是时间之外或周边任何“ Synchronicity 巧合现象”,Although the starting point of BaZi is grounded on geographical time (Longitude and Latitude) , yet, it is NOT bound totally by geographical timeliness. But, more relies to all kind of symptoms, signs, emblems, sounds, weathers etc as part of synchronized events; including any recording mistakes on the time of birth(meaningful & purposeful mistakes for unknown divine mandate)
这包括你母亲记录错误(出生时间)也是“玄学性的正确性”(佛学、易经)以经说明此点,所谓 不可思议。This definitely includes the wrong birth time record by your mother. Because this kind of "wrong" birth time is treated as "Correct" based on the fact of " "Wrongfully is Meaningfully"; "Mistakenly is Purposely" under the Wisdom of Chinese Metaphysics. This kind of understandings are plentiful in Old Classics like Yijing 易经;Daoism, Mahayana Buddhism and Tibetan Buddhism. This is part of the concept what we coin as " The unimaginable/unthinkable/unbelievable/indescribable.
- 你母亲用自身的精粹十月怀胎供你营养所需;所以她对你的出生有“玄学意义的发言权”;包括 出生时间的错误记录。
since your mother sacrificed her bodily essence in order to nurture you for 10 months in her womb(indispensable linkage); hence, she has the absolute decisive power onto your "time of birth" even though it was recorded wrongly, yet this kind of "mistake" was happening under "Lawfulness of Legitimate Mandate".
这是不可知 不可说.This is untold and unknown…..
- 每分钟有255个婴孩出生到这世界。一分钟之内有255种命运诞生。
There are 255 babies born into this world every single minute. There are 255 kinds of destiny being born into this planet earth every minute.
- 如果出生时间/地理时间是唯一的根据点,那将是玄学上严重的失误、无知、非逻辑和非理性。所以玄学有独门的功夫,弥补了地球时间的盲点、局限性和不足之处。
Hence, it is illogical, irrational and unwise if geographical time is the ONLY reference. There are other parameters and measurable methodology slot in between to fill up the gap and join up the "missing link".
- 从此处之分歧,“不可思议、超乎思维”就此当下分晓凡夫和智慧的不同。
From this point onward, the untold and unknown methodology split the different between the ordinary from the enlightened one.
“错就是对” 、“对就是错” “错对可变成对错” “错错就是对对” “对对就是错错” 世界没有对错 因为对错是没有绝对! “Wrongfully is Rightfully","Rightness is Wrongness", " Meaninglessly is Meaningfully" ,"Mistake is Purposeful", "Unintentionally is intended to". There is no separation between "Yin & Yang. There is no black and white. Because the Ultimate Truth is "colorless". The ultimate color is "No color".
If you could understand points 1-12, then congratulations ! Because you are approaching the way how the self proclaimed “Almighty God” see the human race and manipulate them on this planet earth, which He calls as “Slaves”.
Profile of Master Soon
Having completed years of research in the “unknown, untold and unconventional”,Master Soon, shares meaningful insights on“How to redesign & reinvent your luck”. His method on “Destiny Reinvention” to corporate level on top of social strata until personal level at various segments of the public has touched many souls.
His proven UNknown “destiny make over” method has won him fame & clients in China, India, Malaysia, Thailand, Singapore, Hong Kong, Macau, Taiwan & Switzerland.
Contact: master@mastersoon.com or WhatApp: 6012 560 3333