Probably you could refer to 《天玉经》 Classic of Heaven Jade….
Probably Quadripolar Concept could help you get furhter info about XKDG…

Luopan in Quadripolar Dimensions 四象分金罗盘

Malaysia Metaphysician Master SOON
International Feng Shui Master 国际易经玄学老师
Half Taiji 半个太极
Any metaphysics’ formula is just a reference of actual physical world. It is a theoretical framework of academic research.
Originally, all feng shui theories derived from TWO major sources, namely;
Meaning to say, the prime refernce point is the Land Form (geophysic and topographycal features). The formulas are the conclusion of the ancient sages of his understanding of the LAND….
Unfortunately, the mass has misunderstood the priority. The mass uphold the formula, thinking that the formula is omnipotent & almighty, that formula purely could change the luck….
If Land Form is NOT in order or in proper requirements, then, the formula is irrelavent.
Think about it…
ANNOUNCEMENT – Mastery Level Personal Coaching (Reinventing of A Real Master)
THEME : Reinventing of A Real Master MISSION : Imparting Result Oriented Methodology
MOTTO : Practical, Aplicable, Effective VISION : Proven Metaphysical Approach
Date : 31 March 2010 – 7 April 2010
Time : 10 am – 5 pm
Venue : Penang, Malaysia
Advanced Practitioner Feng Shui WorkshopTraining By MasterSoon 孙锦皇风水训练班
I have accepted a small group of student from foreign country to come to Malaysia and direct under my personal training in Malaysia from 31 Macrch 2010 – 7 April 2010. This small group has kept approaching me before Chinese New Year 2010, about first week of Feb 2010. They are in Advanced Level and practitioners in their own respective country.
Master Soon corching his students 孙锦皇用心指导学员
Feng Shui Workshop by Master Soon孙锦皇鬼雄催财风水培训班
The reason they wanted to come because they are looking for REAL KNOWLEDGE and RESULT ORIENTED feng shui application. Prior to this, they have been studying under various famous masters, yet, after many years of applying those methods, they found Flying Stars is NOT accurate ALL THE TIME, Xuan Kong Da Gua is a fluctuate and etc……
I have requested them to get ready for 64 hexagrams and email me those application problems, fieldwork dilemma, practical problems, all problems which always faced by grand feng shui master, yet, NO WHERE to ASK.
* About three pictures attached above. The advanced practitioner workshop participants are ALL feng shui masters in the market.
Oriental Wisdom, a place to ease your feng shui frustration.
Oriental Wisdom, a place of REAL GRAND MASTER training center.
For more information,
Call Master Soon at +6012 560 3333
Email : master@mastersoon.com
This is Water Mouth or Qi Mouth?
On the second day of my arrival in Mumbai in Sept 2009, Dr. Vishwajeet Kshirsagar (Dr. VK) took me for a Mumbai city Tour, in order to familiarize myself with this big city. I could feel the unique Indian hospitality and warmest friendship treatment through my dear friend, Dr. VK. Dr. VK is a soft spoken gentleman. Through him, I can see a highly modern educated Indian man, yet, possesses typical beautiful Indian cultural characteristics. He is humble, honest, responsible, friendly and polite.
On the way of the city tour, we came to the esteemed residential house of honorable Lata Mangeshkar. We asked for the permission to pay a visit to her, thinking that to try our luck, however, unfortunately, she was not in. Nevertheless, we do manage to audit her house external feng shui cum topography feng shui.
Lata Mangeshkar (Marathi: लता मंगेशकर; born September 28, 1929) is a singer from India. She is one of the best-known playback singers in the Hindi film industry. Mangeshkar’s career started in 1942 and has spanned over six and a half decades. She sang in over a thousand Bollywood movies and has sung songs in over twenty regional Indian languages, but primarily in Hindi. Mangeshkar was featured in the Guinness Book of World Records from 1974 to 1991 for having made the most recordings in the world.
From my linenage, The Imperial Court Feng Shui, we value 2 factors very much important. Namely, Water Mouth 水口and Qi mouth 气口. Of course, I am referring to the topographical地形 and geographical地势 water mouth and physical cum invisible Qi mouth. Academically, Qi mouth refers to the opening of the house which sucks in the Qi like window, balcony and door. However, to produce an international artist with all rounded talents and furthermore to sustain throughout 6 decades for reputation and worldly gains, an external topographical Qi mouth and water mouth are the most crucial factors. If you are well trained feng shui practitioner, you must be able to identify and tell me the circumstance in the above picture whether is water mouth or Qi mouth?
Master Soon at the Entrance of Lata Mangeshkar
The second picture where I stand is the main entrance of the apartment. Do you that think this is the Qi mouth? Yes, it is the Qi mouth to the building. However, it is not the Qi mouth from external feng shui perspective. Regarding the external Qi Mouth, I leave it to the feng shui expert in India to answer!
Master Soon - Frontage of Lata Mangeshkar's house
There third picture is the balcony of her unit. I took the picture diagonally. The sitting of the whole building is higher gradually. From The Imperial Court Feng Shui perspective, we value the ground elevation very much.It helps you to zoom down the scope of water mouth and Qi mouth where about.
Picture 4 & 5 below are showing you frontage and back support respectively. However, there are the basic concepts of external fengt shui and new learners also know about these. There are no special secret at these two pictures.
Master Soon - Frontage of LATA MANGESHKAR's house
Master Soon - Supporting mountain at the back of Lata Mangeshkar‘s house
The secrets are at the Qi mouth气口 and Water mouth 水口. As from San Yuan Water Dragon 三元水法, Qi mouth is very important. Whereby, from San He Water Dragon 三合水法, water mouth is the determinant. If you look at the below picture, probably you could get some tips of where about or how to determine water mouth and Qi mouth.
Master Soon - Side way of LATA MANGESHKAR's house
Now, can you determine these 2 mouths?
From my teaching experience of teaching metaphysics, I would say many practitioners know very little of above mentioned contents. Honestly, they never heard of them!
If you want to get a REAL and FULL knowledge of feng shui, come and join us, Oriental Wisdom in April 2010, Mumbai.
Reserve your seat now !
Contact Tel: +91-98-23880808/98-23884000 AND +91-712-2287872 /2287866