Pharaoh is a title used in many modern discussions of the ancient Egyptian rulers of all periods. In antiquity this title began to be used for the ruler who was the religious and political leader of united ancient Egypt. This was true only during the New Kingdom, specifically during the middle of the eighteenth dynasty. For simplification, however, there is a general acceptance amongst modern writers to use the term to relate to all periods. Pharaoh meaning “Great House”, originally referred to the King’s palace.
These pictures was taken 3 years ago in year 2007. It was from one of my feng shui client. The client started to engage my consultation since years 2004. He always get my advice before making major business decision until today. He visited Egypt in year 2007 and bought this picture from Cairo. Then, he put this picture at his house’s South East sector. From that moment onwards, he faced many difficulties in his business. lawsuit, business betrayal, disloyalty , business politics and many other iusses. Of course, if you know Yijing or XKDG, you must able to see more than what I describe here…..
Feng Shui affects everyone regardless of your race and religion (this client is NOT Chinese). Just like water and air, it surrounds you every second. So do feng shui and any other metaphysics, they already happend to you since you are still alive; unless you can depart from the planet Earth.
Stay Tune… More secrets will be reveal soon…..