见素抱朴,少思而寡欲, 绝学无忧 《道德经》
This is the 3rd week of my personal Daoism physical enhancement at home. Daoism emphasizes on physical strength and health very much.
Since Qing Ming, I cut off all social activities except allowing my inner circle to see me. Thanks to my mother who is taking care of my daily diets(combination of vegetables and fruits accordance to Daosim requirements) . Thanks to my father who help me to clear unnecessary/unwanted disturbances from surroundings during these few weeks. Both of them are my spiritual protector 护法
I could feel the internal energy is been generated in high speed and energy is cultivated and spinning like “burning phoenix”.

The warm energy is distributed to both of my hands and legs. Very contented spiritual and fullfilling energetically. The acupoints 涌泉穴 at the bottom of my legs are having overflowing and powerful energy which connecting to my back and waist….. very contented…. and vigorous….
Each and very day, I recorded all physical changes I expereince for empirical study and future reference…..
医学著作《黄帝内经》中说:“肾出于涌泉,涌泉者足心也。” 意思是说:肾经之气犹如源泉之水,来源于足下,涌出灌溉周身四肢各处。

There are more and more inner changes I could experience in my body…. humbly I stop here as Daoism does not encourage to reveal too much of this topic. ( you could try to translate the above Chinese. It might be helpful to you)
Master Soon
email : master@mastersoon.com
mobile: +6012 560 3333