- Year Pillar 年柱: Masculine Tsunami Water-Tiger 壬寅
- Month Pillar月柱: Feminine Raining Rabbit 癸卯
- Day Pillar 日柱: Masculine xxxxxxxx
- Time Pillar 月柱: Masculine xxxxxx
- Petaling Jaya 八达岭再也: Open space with some hilly slopes
- He is seen/perceived by outsiders as a gigantic and forceful & aggressive person like a tiger with a superpower like a tsunami.
- This is his personality and image in the public.
- However, he is so soft like a water rabbit emotionally(feeling).
- His EQ is soft like water and lovingly caring like a rabbit; which is opposite to his public image as mentioned above.
- His Inner Self / True Self is Faithful like an xxx, but highly rebellious & wild when confronting a crisis.
- He is not only loving and caring like xxxx, but he is advantageous & fearless, and bold in the wilderness/fighting.
- His hidden self/potential is a war xxx with metal armor.
- He will not hesitate to take the hardest means/method to resolve all obstacles along his way.
- Petaling Jaya is an open vast land with some slopes here and there.
- It is highly suitable for xxx & xxx.
- These 2 animals represent the 2nd half of his life. 2nd Half is Much Better,
- This means his luck is normal in the 1st Half but will shoot up tremendously(flying high) in the 2nd Half.
- The Family Name 苏 is Romanized as SOOin Malaysia/Singapore.
- It is wisely & beautifully given double O; which carries expanding power in terms of visual and intonation. Great.
- Double (o) OO is a single axle with 2 powerful rolling wheels; dynamic, transformative & energetic.
- Always spelling/using SOO with or without a given name(including a western name) is highly encouraged.
- SOO is divided into upper cab(flower/bushes 草字头) & lower cab(fish 鱼 & grain 禾 – fresh food)
- SOO is a Wood element as it represents fresh farm and fresh food.
- Family Soo provides him with the best from childhood to adulthood, from baby to superstar(he is powerful and aggressive).
- He will go on his own way(Water Tiger is a lone ranger & adventurer & XXXX Horse is a warhorse).
- Wood(Soo) is a neutral element.
Remarks :
- His given Chinese name will be focusing more on the 1st-grade element (XX)
- In order to enhance/strengthen his personal BaZi
- Because his 2nd-grade element(xxxx appears at Time Pillar) & 3rd-grade element(xxx appears at Year Pillar)
- It means he is quite self-sufficient & does not easily kowtow for help as he is strong & confident.
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