- By Birth(Destiny), you are born to be a successful businessman. Why ?
- Because according to your Birth Chart, your career pattern / tendency is combination of
- Marketing 市场营销 (118%)
- Business / Investment 生意 / 投资 (137%)
- It simply means that you are by nature very innovative & dynamic in term of marketing 118%; apart as talented businessman / investor (137%)
- Your business / investment success rate 成功率 is 37% above average; by Birth / Destiny.
- Your trading / marketing success rate 成功率 is 18% above average ; by Birth / Destiny.
- These 2 success rates make you an outstanding businessman so far.
- You reach the peak of your career luck 事业高峰 from 2010 to 2020; as table below:
- During 2010 – 2020, you enjoy optimum / positive / balance combination of
- Marketing / Trading 市场营销 (122%)
- Business / Investment 生意 / 投资 (122%)
- These are your Golden Ten Years for your Career Achievement 事业黄金十年.
- Whatever you did during these 10 years; success was the only outcome. However,
- Your Career Path turns immediately
after coronavirus 2020(NOW) but in June 2020 officially. - It turns in conjunction of new 10 Years Luck Pillar(June 2020 – June 2030) arrival 进入另一个十年大运.
- You will be reaching 45 years old by end of 2020.
- However, you start to feel the impact on your career a few month earlier(Mac/April) as normal symptoms such as fluctuation during the turning months from one Luck Cycle/Pillar(10 years one cycle) to another.
- Obviously, you latest career combination is different from before as below :
- Business / Investment (117%)
- General Employment (108%)
- The latest career combination / pattern is Business + Employment.
- Employment means that your career outlook is now conservative 保守 & old fashioned 脱节.
- The success rate for Marketing / Trading has dropped to 95%(below average 100%) from previous 122%.
- A sharp decrement(drop by 22%) for Trading / Marketing success rate means
- Your existing space renting business is badly affected by Covid 19 aftermath.
- Your existing retail business will NOT be better than other retail businesses in the market after Covid 19.
- Your trading / promotion / marketing strategies are no longer effective after coronavirus. Why?
- Because
- The new success rate for trading / marketing (95%) indicates so.
- Pandemic Coronavirus 2020 has changed the physical retailing to internet marketing.
- Then, how to restore the balance and what are the solutions for the career power shift?
- How metaphysics see the shift of career strength from powerful to less powerful?
- What could be done for career improvement from metaphysical perspective ?
- Apart from Lucky Numbers / Colour, what else could be applied to improve the situation ?
Stay Tuned for more information
《东方智慧》Oriental Wisdom – Master Soon
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