- One of the ways to understand & release your hidden potential & hidden power is by looking at/addressing your Time Pillar 时柱.
- Many times we ignore the importance of the last pillar of our Bazi. Thinking that it is just a minor symbol of the age of retirement; assuming that it only plays a tiny / no role in our career development.
- The truth is just the opposite! Because the Time Pillar is your hidden self and how you react during a crisis.
- The law of diagonal matrix applies when an individual faces danger. His physical body reacts spontaneously to left / right diagonally (30 -45 – 90 – 180 degrees) to defend himself from any harm NATURALLY.
- Some call it a neural response or subconscious reaction!
- Today let me introduce 1 of the method(30 – 45 degree diagonal perspective)
- Let’s continue from the previous article https://www.mastersoon.com/2024-the-dragon-is-the-u-s-the-current-no-1/
- The world perceives that the United States is in a saturating/weakening phase from a global political perspective.
- This is because 甲(The United States) is at Weakening Phase 衰 under 辰(dragon)
- The world sees that it is a matter of time before the US loses its superpower status.
- However, the United States does not agree with it.
- Because Jia甲(The United States) is super-powerful during 辰 Spring Season 木旺于春季.
- The U.S. sees that it is powerful enough to destroy any enemies!
- If you adopt a diagonal perspective, linking 甲(The U.S) to 申(Monkey, Extinction Phase),
- the U.S is ever ready to play god (神) by going “overboard”( from 甲 to 申) to destroy his enemies.
- If the US does not go “overboard” and play god(申 – 神), it may lose power even faster.
- Looking at the current geopolitics, THIS IS HAPPENING.
- This is the way how your hidden potential releases / manifests itself, naturally during a live-dead crisis
- How will the NON-Western Bloc react?
- They will surely react by military force (庚 – metal weapon)
- Because only military force could secure them from further harm
- Relation between 庚 Hard Metal weapon – 辰(Non-western Bloc)= 养 Nourishing (effective defense)
- How do you react during a crisis?
- How do you release your hidden potential?
- Check your time pillar.
Stay Tuned
Master Soon
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