In the modern living house, Sha Qi 煞气, killing force could manifest in “modern” way. In the attached picture, this is a view taken from first floor into neighboring house. Visibly, the side door awning is stretching towards my customer’s house. The design of the brownish awning is very protruding with nine arrows shooting the the house. Refer to the left picture, you could kindly see the “arrow” clearly too. Evidently, South sector is full of climbing shrub on the wall.
From Yijing feng shui perspective, combination of killing arrow + clogging shrub, leading to heart-related illness is undoubtedly.
在现代生活的房子,煞气的造成非常可能会反映在“现代”建设设计内。在所附的图片里,这是从一楼拍到邻居周边房子的设计。很明显可见,侧门遮阳篷铁支是伸向我的客户的房子。图片那褐色檐篷的设计是非常突出的9支箭头。在右边的 图片,你可以明显的看到“箭头”。显然,南面充斥了很多攀登墙上的灌木。