《东方智慧》Oriental Wisdom – Master Soon
WhatsApp : +60125603333
电邮 Email : master@mastersoon.com

Malaysia Metaphysician Master SOON
International Feng Shui Master 国际易经玄学老师
《东方智慧》Oriental Wisdom – Master Soon
WhatsApp : +60125603333
电邮 Email : master@mastersoon.com
Having completed years of research in the “unknown, untold and unconventional”, Master Soon, shares meaningful insights on “How to redesign & reinvent your luck”. His method on “Destiny Reinvention” to corporate level on top of social strata until personal level at various segments of the public has touched many souls.
His proven UNknown “destiny make over” method has won him fame & clients in China, India, Malaysia, Thailand, Singapore, Hong Kong, Macau, Taiwan & Switzerland.
“Corporate Metaphysical Destiny Revivalism” is his blissful psyche power.
“Business Metaphysical Luck Renewal” is his unconventional motto.
“Destiny Victory” is his audiences’ satisfaction.
Master Soon has completed more than 20 years in researching the established and esoteric facets of Chinese metaphysics and mind strategies, plus unorthodox patterns of Destiny Reinventing method.
and has years to his name, specializing in business feng shui consultation apart from being an adviser in enlightening and inspiring using his Untold Chinese metaphysics. He has also been invited by corporations in Malaysia, Singapore, Switzerland, India, Thailand, Hong Kong and China to share his knowledge. Some of his past seminars include topics on
His proven unconventional method in luck design is effective, striking and impressive.
Contact: master@mastersoon.com or call 6012 560 3333
After the Feng Shui Module One (01 & 02 May 2011), immediately I need to fulfill a promise of columbarium feng shui to a client which has been postponed since last year. Yesterday I was in Taman Tun and Subang Empire in Kuala Lumpur, today I am in Penang. Time is so rush for me recently. Some of the enqiries I have to postphone not only due to tight schedule, but also due to the quality of feng shui (with good energy)I promise to provide. To those clients in Singapore who have to wait until end of June 2011, I render my sincere apology here as I really have many “patients” on the long list…….
A columbarium is a place for the respectful and usually public storage of cinerary urns (i.e. urns holding a deceased’s cremated remains). The term comes from the Latin columba (dove) and originally referred to compartmentalized housing for doves and pigeons
On 3rd of May, 9:30am ,I met the family at Batu Gantung, one of the famous place for columbarium in Penang Island. Leading by the personel in charge, we went for a tour in the columbarium. To me, I am a regular visitor, however, I escorted the family to go around the area as they do not familiar with this kind of place.
The details will NOT be mentioned here due to P & C.
Engage Master Soon :
Email: master @mastersoon.com
Mobile: +6012 560 3333
Master Soon Audited Tomb Feng Shui 孙锦皇审定分金
Since Qing Ming is coming very soon, this article will still talk about Tomb Feng Shui. There are a lots of procedures and protocols of feng shui to be carried out before FINAL BURIAL. A responsible Tomb feng shui practitioner would go through this extremely crucial Tomb Feng Shui Step with the relatives. More importantly, this internal adjustment, which you cannotsimply change(tune…) once the burial is done. (off course feng shui master do not have to perform ritual of Taosim or Buddism, but the present to justify internal alignment is very crucial)
Master Soon‘s Adjusting Internal Golden Alignment 孙锦皇审定内分金
This procedure (internal alignment) has become a missing LINK in modern feng shui application……..
Most cases, this process is been left to be done by Tomb contractor or Funeral Organizer ….. hoo….. hoo.. Think about it.
For Tomb Feng Shui Professional Consultation: Call +6012 560 3333
由于清明节将到,所以咱们在此还是探讨有关阴宅风水的事项。其实,下葬本身就是一门学问,更是阴宅风水重要步骤的 一环。然而现实中却被现代风水风水疏忽。一个资深的阴宅风水理师是会与教导丧家如何处理“ 有关阴宅风水之事宜 ”;特别下葬过程中的内分金之审定。这是下葬后立碑时无法再改变的步骤。(当然地理师不是道教的道士或佛教的和尚,但有必要在场审定内分金)
阴宅风水专业服务热线 : +6012 560 3333
Master Soon monitoring New Tomb Construction. Watch out for Master Soon's Tomb Feng Shui Analysis & Courses 孙锦皇监督再造阴宅风水 留意!孙锦皇 阴宅风水精华剖析
Qing Ming Festival is just around the corner. Malaysian Chinese normally will go and visit their ancestors graveyard before Qing Ming Day which is 5 April this year. In this article I am going to show you some pictures about New Tomb Feng Shui and its construction. For the day of burial, the feng shui master must present to handle the proper procedures, proper allocation of coffin into burial ground. (many modern feng shui master never attend to burial process as they don’t value the importance of burial protocols)…. They are many essential procedures to perform and adjust on there and then…. before final BURIAL . Remember, BEFORE BURIAL. If you master miss this part….. hoho…. God bless you….
清明节就要来到,马来西亚华人在清明前 就会到祖坟祭拜和清理坟地。这期,我与大家分享2张关于勘察审定新墓。在下葬当天,风水师一定要在场 (许多现代风水师是不出席的,因为不注重下葬的过程而错过了阴宅风水关键)。有许多阴宅风水的紧要关键在入土为安前必要处理妥当,在入土为安后处理;为时已晚也。切记!
Master Soon Audits Tomb Feng Shui. Watch out for Master Soon's Tomb Feng Shui Analysis & Courses 孙锦皇 勘察 阴宅风水。留意 孙锦皇 阴宅风水精华剖析