- As per the Chinese Surname you attached, Surname is YANG 杨.
- Surname 杨 is constituted by wood木 + Yi易.
- Yi易 is constituted by upper cab ri 日 The Sun(FIRE) & lower cab yue月(WATER).
- Fire and water are 2 elements the baby boy needs the most. However, wood木 is neutral.
- So, the surname is having 2 good elements + 1 neutral element to baby boy.
- This could be translated as the family , the father and the mother are enhancing him.
- Mother XX珊, where 珊 consists of water, which is needed by the baby boy. Relationship to mother is good.
- Father 杨X富, where 富 is Earth, which is unfavorable to the baby boy. Relationship with the son will be so-so in the later part of life.
- Grand mother 林玉X , ling 林 is double wood which is neutral to the baby boy. No harm. 玉 is jade metal which is plentiful in baby boy bazi, 珍 is preciousness.
- To the baby boy, he is also seeing himself equally precious. Both grandmother and grandson share some similarities in term of character in the future.
- Wood 木 : 20.8% ( Wealth / Romance)
- Fire 火 : 9.7% (Career / Authority)
- Earth 土 : 25% ( Resources)
- Metal 金 : 33.3% (Self Confidence/ Talent)
- Water 水 : 11.2% (Performance Output)
- The Baby Boy’s Day Master is Geng Metal (Yang/Hard Metal) born in Autumn,_Metal Month_.
- The baby is super strong metal 33.3%(quantitatively) + enhanced by metal month(qualitatively).
- Averagely, each of 5 elements should be around 100%/5 = 20% ideally.
- The baby boy is super strong with EXTRA (33.3%-20%)/20 = 66.5%. A very demanding & commanding baby boy.
- Fire is at 9.7% (slightly less than minimum requirement 10%)
- Water is 11.2% , just at par with 10%; but need to be increased in order to divert EXTRA Metal.
- The conclusion is :
- * MUST increase*Fire*火 and *Water *水elements.
- * MUST NOT increase Metal and Earth * Wood is neutral.
- The conclusion above will be the cornerstone for his name selection.
- By knowing these info, we will move into Name Listing for brain storming…
Each Name has One Water + One Fire 1. 杨炫润 Mesmerizing Sparkling ( Yang Xuan Run) 2. 杨灵浩 Cosmic & Gigantic Energy (Yang Ling Hao) 3. 杨浩昊 Galaxy Vastness (Yang Hao Hao) 4. 杨沛煌 Brilliant Full Power Force (Hao Pei Huang) 5. 杨炎潇 Charismatic Charms (Yang Yan Xiao) 6. 杨满熙 Fullness of Energy (Yang Man Xi) 7. 杨海明 Oceanic Sparkling (Yang Hai Ming) 8. 杨溢昊 Fullness & Vastness (Yang Yi Hao) 9. 杨涛炅 Unlimited Fire Radiant (Yang Tao Gui) 10. 杨炜泯 Energetic Popularity (Yang Wei Ming) 11. 杨焕涛 Ever Changing Energy (Yang Huang Tao) 12. 杨润耀 Mesmerizing Sunshine (Yang Run Yao)
P/S : 煌、炫、熙、煜(yu4)、炜、焕、焱、烽、 炎、灵、炅(gui4)、昊(hao4)、 熠(yi4) 沛、海、泓、泯、洽、浩、淼、然、潇、润、湘、满、江、 润泽 滔滔 涛涛 涛波 涟猗 涣涣 涣然 涣
《东方智慧》Oriental Wisdom – Master Soon 微信号 Wechat :MasterSoon WhatsApp : +60125603333 脸书 Facebook : @mastersoon1 电邮 Email : master@mastersoon.com