This is a feng shui water fountain in one of the hotel of China. I decided to share this picture (plenty of real feng shui pictures I have) after receiving a letter from one of my blog supporters. He requested me to advise him some confusions he got from other practitioner. His question about “Water, Bazi and Effects”. Years of feng shui industry involvements, I conclude that the old classic of feng shui had explained pretty well about the usage of water in harnessing and enhancing one’s luck.
He emailed and asked:
Question 1:
not compulsory to have a water fountain unless for short turnovers of which you will need to pay back…Qi stimulating is a method for short term gain… such increase in opportunity would means to hasten auspiciousness in the expense that when the person’s luck make a dive, such dive would be doubled in effects. It all boils down to the “balance sheet” of one’s Bazi.”
My Answer:
- water fountain is not compulsory, yet, water flow in form of Qi (proven masters know my hidden meaning) is compulsory.
- “short turnovers” statement reveals that he has no idea about how to integrate Land Form and “suck in the Qi”, so, to him, his feng shui is short term, which from the eye of proven masters, he has not completed his feng shui study.
- “pay back”? his idea of “pay back” shows that he has no idea about how to MAKE USE of Law of the Earth. The energy of Earth is abundance, plentiful and oversufficient. If one knows “dragon spot”, definately he would not say “pay back”. “Dragon Spot” is super powerful. However, not everyone know what “dragon spot” is about.
- “Pay back” means your feng shui techniques are insufficient,incomplete and inadequate or deficient.
- “short term gain” concept? this only tells that one has no ideas about how to keep, to tap, to harness the Qi away from short term gain suffering with proven feng shui techniques. This only tells that he miss out REAL feng shui.
- “such dive would be doubled in effects”? yes, becasue one has no idea about “dragon spot”.
- boils down to the “balance sheet” of one’s Bazi. Bazi and feng shui would not clash each other. 八字与风水是并行的.Your bazi and feng shui are always going hand in hand. Bazi and feng shui run concurrently and simultaneously in the same wave length and same pattern. Your luck would not change until you have seen me who has REAL feng shui with REAL power to re-direct your destiny.
1) Water although not compulsory but essential. There are certain techiques and methods to substitute “water” with master soon secrets.
2) Real feng shui gets power and energy from Earth (Land). Not from your bazi. After all, human bazi is nearly “zero” power compared to Mother Earth.
3) Whoever trying to suck Qi from personal Bazi (your given quantity of natural energy) surely faces problem/trouble becasue he has no idea about real feng shui and dragon spot. In fact, your bazi (your physical or bodily enery) is fix 定数. However, the Mother Earth is very mighty powerful and superior compare to your own BAZI.
4) One day when you know REAL feng shui and Dragon Spot, then, you will never stick to using/retriving energy from BAZI for feng shui. Then, you will go for superior power, Mother Earth (Law of the Earth) for energy enhancement, rather than, manipulating and hurting yourself by extracting Qi from your Bazi.
5) REAL feng shui make sure of Earth energy to harness your good self (bazi); instead of extracting/ taking energy from your own energy limited bazi (date of birth)
Master Soon
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