- Period 9(2020-2040) is said to be a timeframe that is favorable/beneficial/advantageous specifically to Middle Age Females! Simply because Period 9, Li trigram離卦 represents Middle Age Female 中女?
- Well, before we accept this superficial conclusion(above), let us look into humanity & socio-economic records for the past 40 years.
- Period 7 (1981-2000, Dui trigram 兌卦, young girl 13-20).
- This timeframe was the peak of the Sexual Revolution launched by global elites(Jews + Anglo Saxons) in the 1960s.
- The idea of free sex has reached each & every house via the Hollywood entertainment industry.
- Dui Trigram 兌卦少女(young girl 13-20) were the sexual victims via defloration & pregnancy out of wedlock.
- AIDS was first recognized as a new disease in 1981 when increasing numbers of young homosexual men succumbed to unusual opportunistic infections and rare malignancies; did not STOP the momentum of the Sexual Revolution(since the 1960s) which was launched by global elites.
- Period 7(Dui Trigram 兌) was not beneficial to young girls (14-20) that it represented. But rather victimized them.
- Now, do you still think/believe that Period 9(middle age female) is benefitting females?
- Period 8 (2000-2020/24, Gen Trigram 艮卦 Young man 14-20)
- Bill Gates(born in 1955) was the world’s wealthiest person in 13 of the years from 2000 to 2020, No. 2 in seven years, and No. 3 in one year (2008); mostly happened during his 40s-50s years old timeframe.
- Mark Zuckerberg(born in 1984) and Jeff Bezos(1964) appeared in the world’s top ten billionaires for the first time in 2016. Were both of them 20 years old in 2016? NO.
- Elon Musk(born in 1971) joined the world’s top ten billionaires in 2021 for the first time at the No. 2 position with a net worth of $167.3 billion and in 2022 ranked No. 1 at $211.5 billion. He was 50 years old.
- So, it is incorrect if Period 8(Gen Trigram) is said to be favorable to young men 14-20.
- Rather, a predominantly large number of newborn babies were delivered via NON-Virgin wombs; No more as human spirits did experience such holy embracing privilege in motherly wombs before the Sexual Revolution.
- The sexual Revolution Momentum never stops. As Free Sex(Gen trigram = Penis)has become a way of life. Global elites(Jews + Anglo Saxons) have achieved their goal which they set in the 1960s.
- Nevertheless, the globe was relatively successful in construction and development throughout 2000-2020 relatively speaking, if compared to 1960-1999.
- Kindly be reminded that middle-aged females (20s, 30s & 40s) are the central agents targeted by the Sexual Revolution planned by global elites.
- Their Clitoris achieved multiple sexual climates again and again from the 1960s to 2020s before marriage; denying & refusing the rights of their babies to enjoy a clean holly temple(womb) just like the way Jesus enjoyed it in the womb of the Virgin Mary.
- Do you think the Law of Karma will let them go without paying a price in 2020-2040?
- Now, do you still think that Period 9(2020-2040) is favorable & advantageous to middle age females?
- You may try to observe those born after 2005, especially after 2010. This new generation is much higher ethics-conscious. They are going to put an end to the momentum & craziness set by the Sexual Revolution. They are teaching their parents a lesson NOW.
- Higher ranking souls teaching lower ranking souls.
- Stay Tuned for More To Come
Master Soon
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