Yes, I and my husband are happy with 22nd(date selection for cesarean birth). Yet, we are nervous and worrying about the baby may come before the date…..Since you did advise us the alternatives( not disclosed here) , then we could have peace of mind….
I am sorry(to text in such odd hour) and thank you for your advise. After 13 years, now I get my second child…. to deliver at such age makes me feel nervous a bit… … ah.. yes. …. After you audited my office cum resident house and getting this second baby; our “leg and head”(business deals/performance in Chinese dialect) are tremendously GOOD. I and my husband are having SMOOTH Luck now, All are very well…..
The testimonial is from Mr. & Mrs Gra.. I got to know this couple back in Year 2010, where the both resigned from their employed job and started their business from ZERO.During that very critical year, 2010, I was invited by them to set up their new business office feng shui and resident home feng shui.
I still remember that their first office was small and their house was 750 sq ft low cost apartment, for a start of their new stage of life. It was back in Year 2010. Condition seemed to be tough.After 2 years, their business has grown and shifted to much bigger office. And I was invited to feng shui it.
我依然可以清晰记得当时第一件办公室是小型的。他俩夫妻是住在一间750方英尺的廉价单位。当时是2010年。情况看来充满着挑战。 两年之后,生意烹烹日上和业绩蓬勃上扬,搬去了又新又大的办公楼。也请我给他们摆设新风水布局。
Somewhere around Year 2013, this couple has successfully bought a condo cost the current market at 1.2 Millions. Again, I was invited to feng shui their new home. In year 2015, they plan for their 2nd baby….. and I was engaged from their feng shui, baby name and date selection…..
This is basically the life content I have as Chinese Metaphysicist; where my clients put in a lot of different but attractive color into my life….
When a Chinese meta-physicist see his clients grow and excel, he himself also share their happiness and glory.
And , this is one of the example of a successful family with me.
Just drop an email to master@mastersoon.com. You will see the different in your LIFE.
Profile of Master Soon
Having completed years of research in the “unknown, untold and unconventional”,Master Soon, shares meaningful insights on“How to redesign & reinvent your luck”. His method on “Destiny Reinvention” to corporate level on top of social strata until personal level at various segments of the public has touched many souls.
His proven UNknown “destiny make over” method has won him fame & clients in China, India, Malaysia, Thailand, Singapore, Hong Kong, Macau, Taiwan & Switzerland.
Contact: master@mastersoon.com or WhatApp: 6012 560 3333