- Malaysia is now at the peak of its power from 120 years spectrum as above.
- Why view from a scope of 120 years?
- Because Malacca Sultanate(which Malaysia is always proud of) was founded in 1400 AD and dissolved in 1511, Malacca Sultanate reigned for 111 years, less than 120 years.
- During the peak season; Malaysia experienced as below :
- GDP From Services in Malaysia averaged 160538.04 MYR Million from 2010 until 2022, reaching an all-time high of 216950 MYR Million in the fourth quarter of 2019 and a record low of 99821 MYR Million in the first quarter of 2010.
- (The more developed an economy, the more significant for the services industry to an economy)
- This GDP data is quite congruent with the black chart ABOVE for 120 years spectrum.
- Malaysia is at its peak (2015-2025) before declining gradually.
- Malaysia people(Rakyat) experienced 1st time but also the last time Honeymoon(MCO)
- Malaysian movement control order 2020 – 2021
- Every Rakyat stayed at home & most of them got monthly pay without fail.(honeymoon)
- The government gave a lot of incentives(cash) to help the lower-income group
- Some discount for home electricity bill etc…
- If you zoom down to 10 years spectrum as yellow chart below; then you will find that
- MCO 2020 – 2021 happened during the minor peak(May 2020) of the major peak(2015-2025)
- The most peaceful, quiet, and relaxed period in Malaysia ever achieved since independence.
- Just stay At Home(Honeymoon)
- MCO 2020 – 2021 happened during the minor peak(May 2020) of the major peak(2015-2025)
- Of course, Malaysia’s economy was badly hurt during MCO.
- Then Malaysia’s economy was going on a downtrend since May 2020; after reaching an all-time high of 216950 MYR Million in the fourth quarter of 2019(for the services industry)
- All these happened just in accordance with the yellow chart above.
- In addition, all mega mega-events as below had happened during GREEN ZONE(Dec 2016 – May 2023)
- 1MDB
- Najib court case,
- Change of government in May 2018,
- Change of government in Feb 2020,
- Change of government in Aug 2021.
- There could be General Election during this timeline as well. Interesting!
- Nevertheless, Malaysia may experience a downtrend( in terms of luck) after May 2023.
- Conclusions:
- We are at the peak/height(Dec 2016 – May 2023) of the mega peak trend(2015-2025).
- This is the greatest height we achieved that Malacca Sultanate did not achieve.
- Global goodwill & bad name at the same time.
- 3 times change of government within 3 years.
- Global scandal – 1MDB
- Malaysia owns Sabah & Sarawak while Malacca Sultanate did not own both of them.
- However,
- Sulu starts to claim Sabah aggressively and legally
- Sabah & Sarawak will impose much more pressure on the Putrajaya administration
- Sabah & Sarawak will be getting more & more vocal and demanding after May 2023.
- By 2025, Sabah & Sarawak will become MORE uncompromisingly fighting for their rights.
- However,
- What you learn from here:
- The Golden 10 Years 黄金十年 timeline is a myth.
- In fact, you only enjoy 6 to 7 years during so-called The Golden 10 years.
- This is because the take-off/ascending 起飞 & touch down/descending 降落 spend you 3 to 4 years.
- This is quite in line with the triumvirates concept as below
Take home value :
- 6 out of 10 years from your Golden Time are in line with 6 lines 六爻 of a hexagram.
- You are having 1/3 (33.33%) chances of diverting your destiny by your wisdom.
- Your destiny is NOT stagnant, but you have 1/3 of the changing power.
- East Malaysia is no longer the same.
- Indonesia starts to exercise political influence in East Malaysia.
- Better chance for Sabah & Sarawak.
- Decentralization will be taking place.
- Rural areas will be getting more attention and more opportunities.
Stay Tuned for more info
《东方智慧》Oriental Wisdom – Master Soon
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