- If your office desk location is at #1, #2 and #3(commanding desk position), then you are relatively powerful in control of your career.
- If your office desk is not located at commanding desk position as above, then you are relatively powerless in control of your career.
- Diagonal Position (Door Vs Desk) makes you IN CONTROL because it constitutes the longest line/spectrum.
- Diagonal Position(Door Vs Desk) makes you AGGRESSIVE due to Power Slash Effect as below.
- If you are already in the commanding desk position, it means you have done the FIRST STEP for your Career Empowerment.
- 如果你的办公桌是摆放在#1,#2 或#3,那么你的事业运是相对的强势。
- 如果你的办公桌不在以上位置(#1,#2 或#3), 那么你的事业运是相对的弱势。
- 对角线(房门对桌子)让你掌握事业,因为它提供了你最长和最广的视野。
- 对角线(房门对桌子)让你勇猛无比,因为它提供了你深刻的“划痕/切口”效应。
- 若办公桌已置放于#1,#2 或#3, 表明你朝向辉煌的事业已经迈出了第一步。
《东方智慧》Oriental Wisdom – Master Soon
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