Why Malaysia Chinese is not only able to survive under discriminatory policies enforced upon them since 1970 systematically & forcefully, but also could excel with victorious successes in various industries within these 45 years under legalized discrimination?
- There are many reasons. One of them is Malaysia Chinese (in fact most of oversea Chinese, Taiwannese Chinese, Hong Kong Chinese, Mainland Chinese also) by nature have inherited the in-built fighting spirit of liberation in any aspects(social-economy or politics) from their ancient civilization.
- Since Zhou Dynasty(c. 1046 – 256 BC:周朝) defeated Shang Dynasty 商朝( c. 1600 – c. 1046 BC); Chinese as a race had liberated their culture from associating too closely with shamanism and occult practices from imperial court and official ministerial courts which were the major ingredients in Shang Dynasty (c. 1600 – c. 1046 BC).
- Zhou Dynasty(c. 1046 – 256 BC:周朝) officially cancelled and banned all forms of Imperial Ghosts/Spirit Worships by its predecessor, Shang Dynasty.
- From then on-wards, Chinese had liberated their destiny away from Ghost/Spirit Fearing. They no longer believe that The Ghost/Spirit that they Feared so much before; had any impact on their destiny.
- From then on-wards, Chinese had adopted the approach of “Self-effort” & “Self-determination” as the MAIN factors to Change Luck and Destiny. The fate and luck are NO longer being believed to be in the hand of the worshiped Ghosts since Zhou Dynasty; but, was proactively transferred the destiny ownership in the hand of MAN; instead putting blindly trust in the hand of GHOSTS/Gods.
- Hence, the history witnessed the blossom of Chinese humanitarian & liberating ideas and concepts since Zhou Dynasty(c. 1046 – 256 BC:周朝) . Lao-Zi 老子 and Confucius 孔子 were among many of them, just to give 2 names.
- Since then, policy of “distancing from ghost/gods” 敬鬼神而远之 by Confucius has become strict principle to guide Chinese mindset. Besides, God and Ghost are the 2 sides of the same coin, in conjunction of Yin Yang philosophy.
- Because since Zhou Dynasty, if god does not carry attribute of ungodliness(ghostly), the god is incapable/unable to create ghostly “hell” to punish ungodly human being. Hence, the god must be godly and devilish enough in order to have the capabilities to stand high above ALL……
- Hence, to Chinese, God is Evil & Evil is God. If God is not having attribute of devilish nature, then, this god is not omnipotent. Because he is handicapped/no control in term of ungodliness and ghostliness.
- Therefore, due to survival, Chinese will look for some more gods(to Chinese man is god & god is man) out there to take care for needs in both Yin & Yang domain; for godliness & ungodliness.
- This pragmatic idea shapes the nature of Chinese to be practical, realistic, objective, pragmatic, down to earth, non-rigid, flexible, liberal, open minded to new ideas. So, to Chinese, gods and deities are part of their earthly life enhancer and supporters.
- They associate with certain gods or deities; with the objective to improve their earthly life. Do not be surprised if you find this idea stay intact among Chinese Christian, Chinese Muslim, Chinese Buddhist or Chinese Taoist. Chinese is open minded to all kind of religions, gods or deities; as long as the GOD/SPIRIT/DEITY must prove the power in uplifting their daily life.
- Other wise, Chinese will adopt their liberal thinking that they have inherited since Zhou Dynasty(c. 1046 – 256 BC:周朝) to ‘Fired” the god and replace with the new one. It is just like the boss “fired” his ineffective or non-performing staffs.
- It is acceptable to Chinese to break deities statues and convert to any religion he’she likes; as long as the deities are proved non-performing and ineffective; just as the way condemning and criticizing an inefficient and corrupting regime.
- From this perspective, Chinese has long been adopting liberalism(if you want to classify it so) far earlier that the WEST. From here, Chinese themselves are the FATHER of Liberalism. They are MUCH more liberal than the WEST in many ways.
- This Chinese style of Liberalism is transcending/surpassing culture, language and religion. Chinese can speak in English, Malay and Mandarin, Spanish or Italian, yet, their Chinese Stylish Liberal prevails.
- Chinese can wear Songkok (Malay cap) or Sarong (Malay attire) yet all these cannot dilute their Chinese Stylish Liberal Spirit. In fact Chinese Stylish Liberal Thinking is MUCH MORE POWERFUL than Western Liberalism.
- What you experience in Malaysia, Singapore and Indonesia are not Western Liberalism. On the very contrary, it is Chinese Stylish Liberal Spirit; which is much more penetrating and piercing; if compered to Western Liberalism.
- To Chinese, converting in or reverting out of certain(or any) religion is normal and acceptable; when one finds that the god is ineffective and no-longer relevant in their practical daily life.
- To Chinese, there is no different among This Life, After Life, Life After Death and Life After Life. They never confused themselves by dogmatic religious concepts, and never allow themselves to be brought down by these religious concepts and further tarnish their daily life.
- You could find that after Friday Prayer or Sunday Prayer, Chinese Christian & Chinese Muslim; still retain very much Chinese-ness and Chinese ideas of how to deal with their practical world. They do not segregate or discriminate their business possibilities simply due to religious ideas.
- Chinese never trapped in rivalry of This Life Vs Life After Death, God Vs Satan, Believer Vs Non-Belivers as proposed by Abrahamic religions. To them, this is the poison to bring down their daily life.
- For your information, the Western Liberalism is crystallized in the WEST as a result to debunk the hollowness and falseness within Abrahimic Traditions (which include Judaism, Christian and Islam) onto Western Culture for more than 1500 years(Dark Ages).
- Kindly be reminded that Chinese Stylish Liberal Thinking does not belong to this western stream. Chinese Stylish Liberal Thinking System did not go thru religious suppression as in the Dark Ages in the West. Yet, on the contrary, Chinese Stylish Liberal Thinking System was initiated by Imperial Court(power elite) of Zhou Dynasty (c. 1046 – 256 BC:周朝) to liberate their people.
- This was very different from the West where the liberalism developed through oppression by the oppressor.
- Do you see the different? Let me highlight :Chinese Stylish Liberal Thinking System was spread by their King-Sages(ruling elite). What is the concept of King – Sages 圣王 ?
- It means, since Zhou Dynasty on-wards, the ruler MUST be a profoundly wise man.
- He Must be leading by example….he must be wise and up holds virtues of Kindness, Righteousness, Courtesy, Faithfulness, Wisdom, Filial Piety, loyalty and Firmness.
- Hence, experiencing this tradition for more than 3000 years, Chinese find no surprise what is theorized as Caliphate as supreme leader in Islamic World.
- To Chinese, Caliphate is very similar to King Sage 圣王 concept since Zhou Dynasty, 3000 years ago.
- So to Chinese, all these are no surprise to them as they had experienced them 3000 years ago. Much earlier exposure to these concepts above and virtues; resulting low possibilities that Chinese being influenced by fanatic thinking.
- This enables them to be highly practical, effective, objective and neutral when confronting with the REAL World.
- Today, what Malay Muslim in Malaysia experience is definitely NOT WESTERN Liberalism; but Chinese Stylish Liberal Thinking System which they have inherited since 3000 years ago.
- This kind of Chinese Sytlish Liberal Thinking System includes emphasizing individual freedom from restraint and usually based on free competition, the self-regulating market, and corruption-free standard It based on belief in progress, the essential goodness of the human race, and the autonomy of the individual and standing for the protection of all kinds.
- What Malaysia is experiencing since year 2008 is NOT western Liberalism.
- But, it is a new form of Chinese Stylish Liberating Spiritualism which had crystallized 3000 years ago in Mainland China.
Profile of Master Soon
Having completed years of research in the “unknown, untold and unconventional”,Master Soon, shares meaningful insights on“How to redesign & reinvent your luck”. His method on “Destiny Reinvention” to corporate level on top of social strata until personal level at various segments of the public has touched many souls.
His proven UNknown “destiny make over” method has won him fame & clients in China, India, Malaysia, Thailand, Singapore, Hong Kong, Macau, Taiwan & Switzerland.
His proven unconventional method in luck design is effective, striking and impressive.
Contact: master@mastersoon.com or call 6012 560 3333