- Almost all economic sectors and businesses would be allowed to reopen subject to strict conditions in what is termed a conditional movement control order (CMCO) come May 04, Malaysia Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin said.
- Malaysia government has been suffering RM2.4 billion in losses daily during the movement control order (MCO), adding that the losses to date are estimated at RM63 billion, which has dealt a significant blow to the nation’s economy
- Malaysian economist Nungsari Ahmad Radhi said that new focus of Malaysia economy during post-movement control order (MCO) are
- Manufacturing Sector
- Food Agriculture (Agri-food) Sector
- He also said that some of existing sectors are no longer vibrant in securing labour demands, which are :
- Commodities related Plantations
- Tourism related Services
- Oil & Gas
- These 3 are among the economic backbones for Malaysia, simply means that Malaysia economy is NOT in good terms after coronavirus.
- In short, Malaysia economy now is supported by Manufacturing Sector alone, but not really Food Agriculture (Agri-food) Sector which is less emphasized and not in Top priority of Malaysia Economic Master Plan so far (but suddenly becoming popular due to Lockdown / Coronavirus pandemic).
- While economist perspective is quite similar with what suggested by Chinese Metaphysics ; but a little bit added information.
- According to Dao De Jing 道德经 Chapter 40, phase 1 : 反者道之动。The movement / evolution /progression / dynamism / transplanting of Dao (ultimate truth) returns / restores / reverses / rebounds things / situation /setting /direction / framework.
- The Movement Control Order(MCO) redirects / reverts /regresses / recreates Malaysia economy to its originality / resourcefulness / capacity ……
- It means MCO / Coronavirus making Malaysia to look back to its resourceful agriculture sector which has been underestimated / ignored for many decades.
- Phase 1 also warns that
do not over joyful or over confidentto manufacturing sector, because- it is export oriented sector; where the whole world is stagnant still due to coronavirus.
- and, Malaysia does NOT provide the cheapest labour wages with educated /skilled workers as India, Vietnam & Thailand are competently competitive.
- It means manufacturing sector is
NOT FOREVERGreen in Malaysia.
- According to Dao De Jing 道德经 Chapter 40, phase 2 弱者道之用。 And weakness / weaker / marks the course Of Dao’s mighty deeds / performance.
- Vietnam, Thailand, Cambodia & India which are being perceived by Malaysia as weaker economically so far, will pose drastic competition to Malaysia in term of attracting foreign investments / funds which are moving away from China.
- Phase 2 warns that Malaysia should seriously look into how
- to secure current export oriented manufacturing(mainly electronics) against competition from India where wages are much lower with highly educated workforce.
- to explore /research into agri-food sector for self-sufficient economy
- As Yijing 易经 numerology for Year 2020 as below :
- 2+0+2+0 = 4 , East Direction
- Eastern Sphere from Kuala Lumpur(KL) include Vietnam, Cambodia,the Philipines & South China Sea, Japan, Korea & Taiwan & US.
- While hoping that Multinational Corporations(MNC) of Korea / Japan / US may move away from China &
flow intoMalaysia, but it could be reversingly channelled to Vietnam, the Philippines or even Cambodia & India(explain later on). - East of KL is no longer auspicious to Malaysia Destiny. The hegemonic political control from Putrajaya on East Malaysia(Sabah & Sarawak) is no longer as powerful as before.
- China will march further into South China Sea which is right in between East & West Malaysia.
- 2 is the dominant digit in 2020, 2 means WEST.
- Western Sphere from Kuala Lumpur(KL) include India, Bangladesh & Myanmar.
- Rohingya refugees will continue be a socio-economic burden to Malaysia.
- The economic gap between Malaysia Vs India & Myanmar is getting closer.
- India may overtake Malaysia economically in the long run.
- 2+0+2+0 = 4 , East Direction
- If Malaysia continues sticking to glorious sectors in the past like manufacturing, commodity plantation, oil & gas, tourism & property with
gradual declining education level/ quality with only 32 millions population; Malaysia economy could be in big challenge in very near future, when Vietnam and India rise soon. - While Malaysia economist warns about the immediate economic outcomes after Coronavirus 2020, Chinese metaphysics has an alternative view that Malaysia should be seriously look into revamping
- Health Care Sector (diversification instead of relying on Indonesia patients)
- Education Sector (quality)
- Food – Farming – Agriculture
- Competitiveness in term of Foreign Fund Inflow
- The challenges due to the rise of India & Vietnam(in particular) & Indo-China(in general)
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