- 1MDB started to be known internationally in 2015 ( Malaysia Destiny Luck Cycle 2015-2025 大马十年大运).
- Justice is served in 2022 when the primary key person is proven guilty.
- If the 1MDB scandal started(to be known internationally) in mid-2015; then we may expect the case should be able to come to an end around the middle of 2025.
- 1mDB is the world’s biggest financial scandal. But how could Malaysia survive?
- Basically, it is due to the power we enjoy in Malaysia Destiny during 2015-2025.
- This is the peak of Malaysia’s Destiny before we experience descending effect after 2025.
- Let’s pick up a small part of Malaysia BaZi and share it with you here.
- The assumption is based on ” 10% – the optimum level” for the chart above.
- Day Master 日元 for Malaysia is Bunga Raya 大红花 only 5%, half of the optimum level.
- So, basically, Malaysia is NOT very powerful from April 2015- April 2025
- However, Malaysia is an Islamic country. Muslims believe in divine blessing.
- Divine Blessing is represented as Sunshine 丙火 at 10%(optimum level)
- Moreover, the Political & economic platform is still relevant and powerful (甲木 11%)
- Bunga Raya (乙木 5%) needs rain(癸水 10%) as life force at the optimum level
- The only negative issue is Malayan Tiger Tsunami(壬水 24%) too massive….. destructive
- Imagine you put Bunga Raya(5%) in a pile of water(24%) ;
- Bunga Raya will not die off but eventually become weaker and weaker in the long run.
- Just like the way how 1MDB causes a negative impact on Malaysia in the long run.
Remarks :
- This is a simple illustration of how you can make use of BaZi to analyze your future outlook possibility.
- You need to modernize your BaZi concept as it was used to describe a nation or country more than 1000-800 years old method.
- Once you modernize your BaZi understanding, you see yourself in the current world much clearer.
《东方智慧》Oriental Wisdom – Master Soon
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