- It is OK if you are mismatched in terms of your career during pandemic 2020-2021?
- Yes, It is a good sign if you are aware of your career mismatching now rather than post-pandemic.
- Because pandemic is a period to reset / restart/redo/remake for almost all industries and everybody.
- Pandemic messes up /disarranges / disorders the existing condition.
- It is OK if you are underperforming these 2 years; because the majority are almost the same.
- In fact, the pandemic is a time of goal post resetting. It is a golden opportunity not only for the super-rich but also for you who are super intelligent.
- Pandemic destroys the status quo that mostly blocks your way to rise.
- Pandemic destroys the rules and regulations that bar you from achieving greater height.
- Thousands of terms and conditions that hinder your chance are being removed during these 2 to 3 years.
- If you see these scenarios, you share the spectrum of the elites.
- The elites reset the new rules thru pandemic and if you could see that; then you have a greater chance even though you are NOT doing well in the last 2 to 3 years.
- What you need to do is to identify
- your personal strengths and weaknesses
- your suitability and adaptability
- lessons and info you MUST command before the pandemic ends
- study thoroughly how market and trend will change after the pandemic.
- strategize yourself physically, mentally, and intelligently
- You still have time before the door of pandemic opportunity is shutting down
- Just do it.
- Attached 2 pcs of online consultation done early this year.
- I made sure this gentleman(1990) buying a house for himself and for his future family.
- He did it accordingly.
- I made sure he maintained his career momentum in 2021 as he did in 2020; while
- changing the way he perceives the world from my life experience; on top of his skills
- From Jan to May, I have made sure he gets himself a loan to buy a new house.
- He feels the pain and pressure. But he takes them on his shoulders because
- He wants to fly high via the opportunity door opens during pandemics
- I do not want him to feel sorry for his career mismatching.
- Rather I encourage him to be brave to buy a house; instead of lay back and relax as the majority.
- He did it recently.
- Because he is agreeable with my proposal to set the base and foundation NOW and be ready to fly high immediately after pandemics.
- I am proud of this young man(1990) the way he proves himself to be ready for success after pandemics; although he has not much saving NOW.
- To me, he has completed the task that the majority is still waiting for……
Stay Tuned for more information
《东方智慧》Oriental Wisdom – Master Soon
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