To feel the power of happiness and to be happy are the basic need for humanity. On the other hand, to have a successful career is the cornerstone to support one’s happiness for a family. Thus, a family would not be happy if the bread winner is NOT having a successful career. In the same way, having a successful and rewarding career does NOT ensure the happiness of a family.
I am grateful and thankful to have international feng shui consulting as my career. This enables me to travel extensively and it really opens my horizon and spectrum of my physical lifestyle, enriches my spiritual life and emotional self; besides keep me growing financially. All this is possible today is due to support of my parents in early stage formal education and later on was trained by my beloved enlightened sages…….
Dear my blog readers, to be successful in your life, either financial wise or personal life; you should be appreciative SINCERELY to all parents, siblings, all friends and cousins, and many contributors whom you would not know due to your arrogant self…… Once you could be appreciative from your heart truly, then, you have stepped out the very first step and open up your new chapter for your own successful life. Kindly be reminded that your human level energy ( humantics) is vitally important affecting your life’s outcome….
On 06 July 2013, Saturday at YMCA Penang, we are going to have a very practical workshop on the topic ” How to Advance Your career by Yijing and Feng Shui” .
Essentially, we will also touch on the sub-topic on how human natural sexual desire could be redirected and transformed into personal and family auspiciousness.
Many people wasted their essence through active sexual intercourse. Dear brothers and sisters, your sexual drive is the vital force which could be simply wasted and being transformed to higher level for betterment and advancement. I am going to reveal something about this as per described in the content as below.
The more often a person wasting his sexual essence, the higher chances he gets BAD LUCK. However, this does NOT mean NO sexual life pointing to successful life. There are certain essential lesson you could learn from this workshop…..
Master Soon
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