Master Soon at Yuan Xuan Xue Yuan (Hong Kong) 孙锦煌于香港圆玄学院风水堪察. From Micro View It seems Like Dragon Spot .....? The Circle is The Taiji..... The color of Dragon Vein Tell the SECRETS......
To understand why the temple was built in North South alignment, we need command the knowledge of feng shui topography, physical geography and landscape. All these you would never learn by sitting in the feng shui classroom. Frankly speaking, you would not be able to master the art of land selection and town planning if you only know Flying Star 玄空飞星 [Xuán Kōng Fēi Xīng], Eight Mansions (also known as Ba Zhai) 八宅 [bā zhái] or The Book of Changes (also known as I Ching) 易经 [yìjīng] alone WITHOUT the knowledge of how to integrate land form into Compass School. Why only North South alignment is selected but not others?
To answer that question, please continue reading…
Firstly, you need to understand that Da Mao Shan Mountain (大帽山) is the Main Mountain (祖山) in this area Tsuen Wan. Feng shui starts from the basic geography knowledge but these are not secretive formulas. The building alignment was set in such a way to make Da Mao Shan Mountain to be its supporting mountain and at the same time, to receive the dragon force from this mountain. This Chinese Temple is located in the inner layer of the Tiger Dragon focus point. Generally, only temple, church or mosque are qualified to be located in the inner layer as normal residential house is not strong enough to receive the forceful power from the mountain.
Is this CORRECT ? ? ?
From Google Earth, it is clearly that Yuan Xuan Temple is located along the spot in the ideal model of “Left Green Tiger & Right White Tiger”. This is a good example to comprehend how Form School is integrated into spot selection. By selecting the correct location, it means the feng shui audit and activation has completed 60%. This “60%” contributes the cornerstones and fundamental strength to the compass school whether be Xuan Kong Da Gua (”Secret Decree” or 64 gua relationships) XKDG, Xuan Kong Fei Xing (Flying Stars methods of time and directions) XKFX, I Ching, San Yuan Dragon Gate Eight Formation, San He Shui Fa (water methods), etc. arrangement or orientation. This 60% also provides the determinant factor to your land selection cum successful, effective feng shui application.
Why most of the time your feng shui activation does not give you the minimum result that should come along the way? Why XKDG and XKFX do not “fulfill their feng shui prophecy”? Why always “Feng Shui Messianic Savior” promised by Grand Feng Shui master does not born into that particular house after applying XKDG, San He Shui Fa, 3 Cycles 9 Period or 2 Cycle 8 Period ?
Becasue The Land Form is NOT INCLUDED…..
In photo 2, red arrow is inner dragon whereby blue arrow is outer dragon.
The apartments are located at the outer focus point as shown in Photo 3. Imagine if the housing estate is located in the inner focus point and the temple moved to outer focus point, the temple would not be as grand as you witness now. This tells you that land selection is an important factor in feng shui construction. There are ample spaces at the front. The building was designed to have grand Ming Tang fronting. By selecting the right spot, the whole building enjoys even bigger fronting as the temple is facing the whole residential areas below the hill.

Land Formation is NOT about rigid concept of Left Dragon-Right Tiger-Front Pheonix -Back Turtle. It is a very comprehensive technique know-how.....
Engage Master Soon