Customer Told Me That His Business Shoot Up Within 14 days After My Feng Shui Consultation.... 顾客见证了孙老师风水神效。14天之内生意飘升......
In fact I had shared this feng shui case at The feng shui was audited on 30 Dec 2010. The business owner was so happy to tell me that he witnessed the feng shui result within 10 -14 days after my feng shui consultation.
He said : ” Out of sudden, my business orders shoot up within 10-14 days after I did what Master Soon told to do. Those potential customers whom I hardly close the sales, strangely and automatically come to us and place orders. The business is so good until we have to reject the order due to our own stocks availability. However, this has opened up many new customer base for our company. Thank You very much, Master Soon “.

The Business Owner (Sit next to me) came to my office to thank me about the feng shui positive result. He bought me and my students an appreciative Chinese New Year Lunch...
The business owner is a typical chinese man. He is a bit tradition and appreciative. Due to the excellent feng shui result, he personally sent me chinese new year hamper. That day I was having a special workshop for 2 new students. He and his assistant drove us to a restaurant for an appreciative lunch.
这是一个我的风水顾客之见证。我是在2010年12月30日给他的公司看风水.请参考。 在今年一月的某一天,这位顾客打电话给我然后很高兴的说:“孙老师,我很感激您,因为在您给我公司看风水以后,大概在14天之内,我们公司的销售额突然飙升,翻了好多倍。那些过去没给我们下订单买货的商家,突然一同涌上我们公司要下巨额订单。我很高兴生意突然变好。 由于我们的货存有限,在比不得以的情况下,将部分的订单婉绝了.但是,这也为公司打开新客源了,谢谢你, 孙老师”。