This is a real case of my client which has happened recently and deserves you attention if you are a serious feng shui learner. This is the 3rd invitation to this company office since year 2007, or the 4th invitation if the house feng shui of the director is included. The client, Mr E knows me since 2007 in Kuala Lumpur. His company office was set up in the end of 2007 in accordance to my advice back in year 2008. During those year 2007- 2009, I could remember that Flying Stars System and Eight Mansion System were popular in feng shui industry. When the whole atmosphere was dominated by popular feng shui systems, namely Flying Stars and Eight Mansions back in those years. However, I had decided to put aside those 2 systems as I know very well from my experience that those 2 systems could not sustain Business Feng Shui for long term…. (if these 2 systems could really work, it should have changed the fortune and luck of mllions feng shui people who have been following as these 2 systems are available in bookshelves)
After 5 years, Mr E is still keep in touch with me and text me for advice. Started from ground zero in year 2008(U. S. Financial Crisis), today, the company has improved very well and the sales of the company is increasing according to Mr. E… (no further elaboration due to P&C) I personally am also appreciative upon the trust and confident from Mr E for these 5 years.
Mr E recalled that my first visit was back in 2007 to set up the Business Feng Shui, second visit in 2010 for feng shui re-visit. This time on 29 Dec 2012 is for feng shui year 2013.
Mr. E fetched me from Subang Airport, Kuala Lumpur. We went straight to the office. Before I went for feng shui 2013, I did a thorough audit to this office as my recent visit was back in year 2010. I have discovered many feng shui mistakes from feng shui 2012 perspective since the setting was still based on 2010. We discovered many feng shui defects since winthin 3 years, there are some minor changes and new decorative inputs….. Moreover, time change and energy also changes….. We highlighted at least 10 feng shui which need to change since energy in 2010 was not the same as 2012 and also year 2013.
I have also highlighted to Mr E as he could have performed much better compared to what he got (he said that 2011 and 2012 were good) if he had have called me in for 2011 and 2012 to avoid those feng shui mistakes due to timeliness(time change and energy change). The reasons and lengthy explanations of why he could have performed much better had been given if those feng shui mistakes were avoided.
In this article, I would only share one of the common feng shui defects. Kindly refer to the right photo. This is a dying plant in a corner. They try very hard to keep this plant alive by any means thru out the year 2012. Yet, no matter how, the plant always ONLY has a few leafs and a sign of dying… (the plant was instructed to be put there by me back in year 2008, it was always florishing and freshing before year 2012)

Look at the soil. This is the consequence of Grand Duke/Anti Grand Duke Attack 2012. The staff sit in AntiGrand Duke/Anti Grand Duke is sick constantly thru year 2012
I told Mr E that this dying tree lessens your sales and caused sickness to anyone near to this plant. I explained that back in 2008, the reason putting plant in this corner was to boost the sales. It was still relevant back in year 2010. However, when timeliness reaches year 2012, the plant is hit/attacked by Grand Duke/Anti Grand Duke(one of the killing forces).
Mr E replied : ” Master Soon, you are correct. No wonder the staff sit near to this corner(cubic) is sick thru out year 2012. He was admitted to hospital for operation …. besides he feel uncomfortable thru out year 2012.”
When Anti Grand Duke/ Grand Duke attacks in year 2012 in this area, the plant is dying and the staff is sick thru out year 2012…….
I highlighted that the dying plant caused by Killing Grand Dule/Anti Grand Duke must be remove instantly.
Lesson :
1) Do not under estimate the power of office feng shui. This case study tells that you may be under attack by your company bad feng shui.
2) You need to review and revise your feng shui EVERY YEAR.