Every years I do send sms (by my mobile) to my circle of friends about Chinese New Year of Financial Luck enhancement. This year is a bit strange to me.Many people from KL find my number through WhatApp,Viber, Talkbox and Line, and requested feng shui tips and asking why I did not post anything about this topic. At first I entertain by texting, but eventually Berita Harian, The Sun,Kosmo and Aforadio, called up for feng shui enhancement information, I think it is better for me to write down the details in my blog for public consumption.
Chinese New Year Financial Power Activation
Date : 22 Jan 2012
Time : 12pm to 11 pm
- Fill up FULL tank of car petrol…. FULL tank preferably Petronas…
- Fill up all water reverses in your house and office like drinking water in kitchen and washing water in washing area.
- Fill wallet with fresh cash note in the form of RM1, RM5, RM10, RM50 & RM 100.
- Fold 3 pieces of RM 50 ( RM 50 x 3) in triangular shape, then, keep in the drawer of your personal working desk at home.
- Keep all red packet ang pow with money at the WEST sector of your room.
Happy Chinese New Year
Master Soon
email : master@mastersoon.com
mobile: +6012 560 3333