How to enhance your money luck in year 2012 ? In term of feng shui, there is a very simple but effective application. This application could be perform daily, which is “REDUCE the USAGE of CREDIT CARD, INCREASE the USAGE of CASH” .
Many people has no idea that how consumption of credit card would effect one’s money luck. From my fieldwork experince with big bosses in Malaysia, India, China and Singapore. My conclusion is as below: ” The REAL RICH MEN seldom spend with credit card for daily expenses, except for corporate standard instructions(these also very minimum). Daily expenses mean food & beverages during lunch & dinner especially; and personal needs in general, in each and every day.
CREDIT CARD is only common among middle class and working class. However, the usage of credit card is metaphysically ” Energy Sucking” which cost you long term but invisble “financial energy” losses. The more credit card you use monthly, the more your lose out in the race of financial struggling metaphysically and invisibly.
How many credit card do you have now in your pocket? The numbers of credit card you keep at your wallet in your pocket indicate the seriousness of invisible financial energy losses you suffer from, in the long run of your financial battle.
The idea of credit card spending is about : – “Spending future money”. The idea of feng shui is about ” Creating future Money”. If you compare the both, the idea is clashing each other directly. The usage of credit card is only weaken your metaphysical control over your own finance. Using credit card means not only you spend your “Future Money Luck” but also you yourself proactively surrendering your control, surrendering your luck to the institutionalized financial giants by your signature approval. You are doing harm to your financial strength when you “surrender” your control of money by your signiture…….. to approve the harm to your financial self…….
Remember, the super rich “roll” the cash, the middle class “spend” the credit card. This metaphysical law applies to every country and every individual.
More tips to come…….
Master Soon
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