There are many aspects of metaphysics unknown to feng shui practitioners. There are many effective methods unknown to common feng shui masters. Mnay practitioners are having mental block with “extra-ordinary” result oriented methods. Why? because they simply “don’t know” and there are no such school of feng shui to teach them these kind of methods.
This is another result oriented feng shui case about feng shui energy transfer.
Feng Shui energy transfer is NOT common in market. Feng Shui Energy Transfer is primarily from Daoism (kindly be noted that Daoism is different from Daoist religion). Feng Shui energy Transfer is only being performed when certain needs arise. Feng Shui Energy Transfer has time limit for its power. Feng Shui energy Transfer only being performed to those who are very CLOSE to me due to close friendship or Indoor Students…. The basic idea of this technique is based on The MASTER himself is the embodiment of Power. Of course, this requires certain kind of training. If you know REAL Daoism and REAL Buddhism, then, this is no longer a secrets. If you don’t know this technique, it simply tells that you are having no knowledge about REAL Daoism.
This is another result oriented feng shui case about Feng Shui Energy Transfer (only for limited case).
Upon Mr. A (a close friend of mine) request, I was invited to audit a business outlet feng shui. Due to urgent needs and longer time for normal feng shui renovation; I was requested by him to improve the business instantly. According to normal renovation for feng shui, it would take weeks for full completion. However, time waits for no man. Retail business must have a minimum walk – in customers per day for their daily business operation. (those who are running business should understand this).
I was very hesitant whether to perform Feng Shui Energy Transfer. Bacasue it should be only performed in certain cases…..
After a while, I decided to help him by Feng Shui Energy Transfer as I have been knowing him for years and he is an ethical businessman.
After certain metahysical steps had been taken in highly modernzied shopping complex (kindly be noted that my methods have been modernized, no weird ritual in shopping complex) then, I assured him about result before I leave. (There are numbers of valuable pictures about this, but I choose not to publish here due to sensitivity)
The result : 14 days of huge daily walk in customers before the arrival of 1st day of 7th Month of Chinese Lunar Calendar. (Month of Ghost in Chinese Calendar).
P/s :
- Feng Shui Energy Transfer is unknown to English speaking feng shui practitioners but very common in Chinese speaking masters.
- Feng Shui Energy Transfer has it energy limitation due to change of Lunar Month based on Moon.
- Feng Shui Energy Transfer is only performed based on “CLOSE FRIENDSHIP”.
Brother and sister, there are many unkown truths. Be open minded… unlearn and relearn…….