The Picture gallery above show those precious moment taken while Rekha was walking up to the Amitabh Bachchan’s family to exchange greetings, at the 54th Filmfare Awards. After greeted by Shahrukh Khan, Rekha kissed and hugged Abhishek Bachchan & Aishwarya Rai. Amitabh had risen from his seat and walked away to avoid any controversy. A move, which created quite a stir in the media. However, this is NOT the concern of this article.
Professionally, I would like to show you how metaphysical understanding could be integrated into entertainment industry. If you have paid enough attention to the above photo gallery I attached (Thanks to many websites who share them for free), you would find that Rekha, the Diva of Bollywood successfully reacted nicely, appropriately, moderately, professionally; yet maintained her charm, status, dignity, self-respect, honour, feminine value HIGHLY, WITHOUT compromising (all these characteristics are closely associated with Li trigram 离卦).
In Hong Kong, Taiwan and Mainland China, even in Singapore and Malaysia, we often relate and analyze a silver screen superstar personality with Face Reading面相. By looking at his or her Bazi 八字 to know how far their achievements will be. Nevertheless, to mold an attractive and well accepted charming character is not an easy task.
Interestingly, Ancient Chinese has a discipline knowledge which is called Yijing 《易经》. It is equivalent to Rig Veda of India. As ancient as Rig Veda. Yijing also called as Book of Change 变经; or Divine Book Without Words 无字天书. In fact, Yijing has been the book of strategy guidance from dynasties dated as far as B.C era until modern China today. It is treated as book to provide ideas of wisdom in term of military, politics, social and economy. Along the history, it has crytalized many ideas of fate reading, prediction, face reading proactively without rely on DATE of BIRTH. It means you can know your enemy proactively by your will at there and then. Bazi 八字 and Purple Star 紫微 are subjected to Yijing and less powerful.
Bazi 八字 and Purple Star 紫微 will become LESS useful and paralyze when the biodata or date of birth is not available. That is the reason why various China imperial dynasties always uphold Yijing for national consultancy.
Back to the topic, Li trigram 离卦 is known to be related to fire. Nonetheless, due to lack & insufficient translated information into English (Huge amount of Chinese metaphysic knowledge is still hidden and kept in its original language -Chinese Classic); market has provided deficient, inadequate and incomplete chinese mataphysic information at the other end.
Li trigram does not only represent fire. To me, the symbol of Li trigram 离 is seen as protocols, manner, educated, documentation and appropriateness. The content changes in accordance to the situation. Li is NOT always fire. To me, most of the time, Li trigram is NOTHING to do with fire.
If you understand Li trigram as South direction or Fire, then, your comprehension and knowledge in term of metaphysic is still at the beginning stage. Sadly to say, ego and pride of a person, always stop him or her from acknowleging their ignorance and further close the door of wisdom.
Friends, brothers and sisters, listen to your inner voice. Your inner voice would not cheat you. The inner voice cries for deeper enlightenment. Your inner self is searching for true knowledge and wisdom.
If you find that you need further metaphysic exposure, you can come to me at any time.
There will be a feng shui & Yijing training program in Mumbai, April 2010.
If you want to get a REAL and FULL knowledge of feng shui, come and join us, Oriental Wisdom in April 2010, Mumbai.
Reserve your seat now !
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