- Tilted door / crooked doorreduces energy for
- noble status 贵气 & sense of luxury 豪气 阔气
- and tarnishes aristocratic appearance 秀气
- destroying virtues like integrity , decency, honesty, respectability and also nobility. 毁灭正气,正派形象,诚实度,受人尊敬的贵气。
- In short,
- crooked door is crooked mouth.
- crooked mouth invites bad mouthing 恶口, slandering 诽谤, defamation & scandal.
- Why?
- because it is against the basic principle – Be Natural 道法自然
- because it is against symbolic feng shui 象形风水– Bad Symbol – Crooked Mouth.
- because it is against Physiognomy 面相学.
- Then how to create good feng shui if crooked door is NOT the way? click :
- https://www.mastersoon.com/long-term-feng-shui-setup-for-your-home-2020/
Stay Tuned
《东方智慧》Oriental Wisdom – Master Soon
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