This Mansion is located at Bukit Jambul, Penang. It is near to Equatorial Hotel. It was an impressive and huge mansion 3 years ago. However, today, it had been abandoned for quite a long duration. There is not sign of new buyer.
When you study the picture, you would find that the piece of land occupied is in irregular shape. It looks like a fan with triangular shape. The house is sitting on the sharp corner of the land. Is it a good sign?
Point to think of:
- Do you think feng shui formula like Eight Houses System or Flying Stars System is able to cure the feng shui outcome WITHOUT involve any major or minor reconstruction?
3年前这是一个令人印象深刻的大豪宅。不过今天,它已废弃了一段相当长的时间, 至今还没有签署新的买主!
当你研究此图片,你会发现这豪宅占据的土地是一块不规则形状的土地。它看起来像一个三角形扇型, 而这豪宅是坐在尖利的拐角。这是一个好的迹象吗?