- Period 9 九紫离火运, Li Trigram 离卦 is from Dec 2020 – Oct 2040.
- Li trigram 离卦 represents Middle Age from 30-39 years old.
- Kindly refer to Early Heaven Bagua 先天八卦 as above
- This Age Group(30-39) is having a better chance for their career and opportunity.
- Pandemic/Covid 19 has changed our world in many aspects, including economy & business.
- Many new jobs are created and old fashions are replaced by new ideas and new concepts.
- Nevertheless, those from this Age Group(30-39) have no problem but are leading the way.
- Based on the Year 2023, the Age Group(30-39) refers to those who were born
- from 1984-to 2010; males & females
- have a better chance in GENERAL.
- able to bridge the gap between
- pre-covid era & post covid era
- Period 8 & Period 9
- Global Power Rebalancing.
- However, this does not exclude other age groups, because each individual has a very unique destiny(BaZi)& own personal golden time/peak season.
- Young Men, if you want more powerful career building, then be “just nice” in the way how you handle your personal life, as below:
Vitally Important Remarks for Your Health.
- With reference to the sequential order 卦序 of Early Heaven Bagua 先天八卦,
- The human lifespan limit 寿命极限 should be around 89 years old(or 90 to round up the figure), based on 精气神 Essence received during conception(fertilization).
- Anyone who lives longer than 90 years old is considered to have accumulated good merit/karma in this life or from the past life.
- Human is the ONLY species on Planet Earth that does not live up to the originally gifted lifespan 寿命极限because experience consistent weekly essence leakage via sexual intercourse.
- Dogs, cats, & all animals live up to the maximum lifespan limit, if not being killed.
- Mating ONLY happens seasonally for procreation among animals. Animals do not waste their essence unnecessarily via sexual intercourse.
- However, human mates every night or weekly for sexual pleasure.
- Therefore, now you could understand the old Chinese saying 禽兽不如:
- Beast is Better Than Human;
- Human is much Cheaper Than Animal.
- That is why Buddhism hinted that most humans are unable to reincarnate in the human realm 人道 again; but mostly into the Realm of Hungry Ghost 恶鬼道 & Realm of Hell 地狱。
- In practical, there are several techniques cast by Daoism to preserve your essence(which will be discussed some other time)
- Bear in mind that, the period from 30-39 years old is the peak 高峰期 when humans lose their essence & one of the channels is via sexual intercourse in the NAME of Love & Marriage.
- Because the central line of Li Trigram is a BROKEN LINE. 离中虚(体内被掏空).
- Why Period 9, Li trigram is called Li 离 Separation/Isolation?
- Else, Li 离 will manifest as Lihun 离婚, Divorce….?
- Stay Tune for More Inspiring Info
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