- An individual LUCK changes immediately after marriage, be the male or female.
- BaZi (destiny analysis method) values very much on the balance among 5 elements.
- Once a couple get married; two become one.
- There are 3 possible outcomes.
- Both Luck are getting better.
- Both Luck are getting worse.
- The husband is getting better but the wife is getting worse.
- The husband is getting worse but the wife is getting better.
- Both Luck are constantly up & down.
- In fact, this is highly foreseeable through Year/Month/Day/Time of Birth of each individual.
- When both individual get married; The Luck of 2 Individuals Blend and become ONE.
- The Day Master (Date of Birth) remains the same as before the marriage for each individual.
- Yet, the new re-balancing of 5 elements has different effects on each individual.
- From here, you can see how the NEW re-balancing of 5 elements effects the LUCK after Marriage.
- It just like 2 different chemicals to be mixed together; and the outcomes could be harmonious, explosive, constructive or destructive.
Profile of Master Soon
Having completed 20 years of research in the “unknown, untold and unconventional”, Master Soon, shares meaningful insights on “How to redesign & reinvent your luck”. His method on “Destiny Reinvention” to corporate level on top of social strata until personal level at various segments of the public has touched many souls.
His proven UNknown “destiny make over” method has won him fame & clients in China, India, Malaysia, Thailand, Singapore, Hong Kong, Macau, Taiwan & Switzerland.
Email: master@mastersoon.com
WhatsApp: 6012 560 3333