- It is a semi-lie that you can re-engineer /change your destiny by keeping the BALANCE.
- It is a semi-lie that you can enhance your luck by having BALANCE feng shui.
- It is a half-lie because you get it right 50%.
- Because it is half-baked truth, that is why your feng shui is working sometimes; but mostly a failure.
- If you ask me as a metaphysician(25 years of fieldwork experience) for an opinion; then my answers are as below :
- Balance is only for Recovery, Healing, Status-Quo, Survival & Evolution.
- Enantiodromia is for Reformation, Transformation & Revolution
- Meaning to say, if you want Something OUT from NOTHING; then you must instigate/activate the force of Enantiodromia in the aspects as below :
- Feng Shui
- Personal BaZi
- The Three Treasures 三宝精气神( Essence, Qi & Spirit)
- Compared to the commonly known concept(BALANCE), The Enantiodromia Dimension of each aspect(as above) has very drastic differences in terms of
- Technical Know-How
- Philosophy
- Tactics & Approaches
- For example, people will add in / top up the lacking 5 elements & reduce the excessive 5 elements normally. 缺啥就补啥,那个过多就去除那个!
- This is typical BALANCE feng shui.
- You get nothing out from BALANCE(too routine), except NOTHING happening & a question mark in your head.
- The keyword for change is Enantiodromia 物极必反。
- After all, Yang refers to BALANCE & Yin refers to Enantiodromia
- If you want to get my personal insights on
- Yijing Study (approx. more than 25 years)
- Daoism practice (approx. 20 years)
- Bible Study (approx. 40 years)
Stay Tuned for More inspiring wisdom
《东方智慧》Oriental Wisdom – Master Soon
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