- Out of 8 Characters in your BaZi八字, There are 6 Yang Masculine Characters Vs 2 Yin Feminine Characters. 75% Yang Masculine Energy Vs 25% Yin Feminine Energy.
- You are 75% Masculine + 25% Feminine in term of your Temperament / Image Emancipation.
- Year Pillar : Bing Yin 丙寅– Fire Tiger.(Yang Masculine) Your Head/Face/Appearance/Image looks like Glaring Aggressive Fire Tiger Face. This is intensified by having high or broader cheek bones. You were born to be Independent Worrier like Tiger with burning face. Your mind thinks like a conqueror instead being conquered.
- Month Pillar : Wu Xu 戊戌 – Earth Dog (Yang Masculine). Emotionally you are more like a faithful doggie lover. You love to be adored and pampered besides being appreciated for your cuteness, contribution, personality and quality. Dog is famous for its faithfulness and steadiness. Earth is principled. So Earth Dog in Month Pillar means her shoulders/arms are solid and steadfast to be relied on for a given task/duty. She will protect the door/task given loyally, committed and devoted till the end. This shows the state of your mind/emotion/EQ/sense of responsibility/ spouse quality preferred.
- Day Pillar : Yi Mao 乙卯 – Rattan Rabbit (Yin Feminine). Your inner self is highly sensitive like a floppy ear rabbit whom is hiding behind the bushes. Rattan is soft plant which is flexible when it being stepped on/ tortured; yet soft plant survives even there are disasters like earthquake or tsunami.(whereby hard Jia wood cannot survive). This predetermines your inner quality is so durable/ imperishable/ hard-duty/ indestructible/flexible/versatile/adjustable and adaptable. However, you are sitting on a Rabbit, your spouse (Aggressive Tiger likes Defensive-less Rabbit) which is highly fragile and easily to be preyed/hunt/attacked. You are highly durable externally like a rattan yet fragile internally like a Rabbit.
- Time Pillar : – AAAA XXX (Yang Masculine/Yin Feminine) You were born in a Moonless Night . You are highly dangerous to your competitor. When you face a critical situation and leave you no room/no option; you will take a very drastic movement quietly(under the cover of dark night) and leave your competitor in a horrific condition.
- Conclusion : Your Head is Fire Tiger and easily get attention wherever you go due to burning Fire Head. Your implementation ability/execution ability is like Earth Dog which is consistent and dutiful. Your true color is highly flexible, rattan plant with highly sensitive nature like Rabbit. Your Hidden weapon is like Hunting Tigress in the Moonless Night.
Profile of Master Soon
Having completed 20 years of research in the “unknown, untold and unconventional”, Master Soon, shares meaningful insights on “How to redesign & reinvent your luck”. His method on “Destiny Reinvention” to corporate level on top of social strata until personal level at various segments of the public has touched many souls.
His proven UNknown “destiny make over” method has won him fame & clients in China, India, Malaysia, Thailand, Singapore, Hong Kong, Macau, Taiwan & Switzerland.
Email: master@mastersoon.com
WhatsApp: 6012 560 3333