《东方智慧》Oriental Wisdom – Master Soon
WhatsApp : +60125603333
电邮 Email : master@mastersoon.com
1. For the national flower of Malaysia (Day Master Yihai), this year is like Banga Raya on the banks of the Pahang River (Hidden Ren Water) in the Malay Peninsula, in the forest of Taman Negara (Hidden Jia Wood) in the National Park. The time is the wavering moonlight at two o’clock in the morning (this year Xin is the dark moon).
2. It is located next to the hidden Malay dragon vein.
3. This also reflects the reason why the main ethnic group of Malaysia, the Malay, has a gentle and elegant appearance and gentleman-like Bunga Raya, and there are endless resources and wisdom (Taman Negara and Pahang River) inside.
4. This is not comparable to other ethnic groups in Malaysia who like noise and more realistic.
5. This year, the Malay national politics is undercurrent, and talent is hidden; it is not known and not exposed.
6. “Xin Metal” is like an Islamic crescent moon, deep meditation on the future national welfare, direction, and strategy in the silence.
7. This year’s “Xin” Golden Scimitar is worth the time of the year, and it is twice as strong as usual. It corresponds to the Seven Killing of the Day Master of Malaysia. In the early morning, the cold is pressing!
8. The cow is a religious sacrifice, readers can interpret for themselves!
9. The Malay Peninsula was called the “Golden Peninsula” by the Western Medieval geographer and astrologer, Claudius Ptolemy (100A.D-170 AD), the golden Chersonese or Golden Khersonese, It refers to Pahang! The supreme head of state of Malaysia/Yang Dipertuan Agong is also the Sultan of Pahang.
10. Coincidentally, August 31 of the independent month of Malaysia is also the month of Wu Shen (there is gold in the autumn moon and mountains); the official power is concentrated. In the early morning, the crescent moon is cold and shining on Metal Ox, and there is no need for words to act.
11. In the future, the culture, education, and destiny of the ethnic Malaysian Chinese are not at political parties; instead, they have a lot to do with the nine sultans of Nine Negeri & Nine Sultans.
12. Because the Malaysian Chinese in the 19th century were able to enter the Malay states of the Malay Peninsula & settled down, it was the Royal Assent of the Nine Sultans of Nine Negeri, (except Penang Island, Malacca, Sabah and Sarawak).
13. “Xin” predominates the nobility of the royal family; Malaysia will see the supreme head of the imperial authority this year. What’s more, Pahang is from the land of Malay dragon veins!
14. “Xin” of this year is the eighth by sequence of Heavenly Stem, and next year, “Ren”, the ninth by sequence, will see more manifestations from Royals. What is the basis?
15. Don’t you see the year of Gengzi in 2020 (Geng is the imperial power), the supreme head of state and Pahang (the place of the dragon vein) Sultan, exercised His imperial power, in supporting Ding Ding (Ding fire burn gold), deposed DSAI and Old Horse ?
Stay Tuned for Information
《2021辛丑年看大马国运 4》彭亨河岸上 月儿弯弯照九州
1. 对大马国花(日主乙亥)而言,今年犹如处在马来半岛彭亨河(亥藏壬水)岸旁,国家公园Taman Negara树林中(亥藏甲木)的Bunga Raya,时间为凌晨二点中的忽明忽暗的月光中(今年辛为暗月)。
2. 彷佛陪伴着沉睡在世外桃源,不为人知的马来龙脉宝地旁。
3. 这也折射解释为何大马主体民族马来人,形象外表温文儒雅、文质彬彬如Bunga Raya,内里又有源源不绝的资源涌现和神机妙算的智慧(Taman Negara 和 Pahang River) 。
4. 这并非相对喜欢喧闹和奉行现实主义的大马其他民族可以比拟的。
5. 今年马来民族政治韬光养晦的一年,才华隐藏起来;不为人知,不使外露。
6. 《辛金》宛如伊斯兰弯月一般,在寂静中对未来国家民族福利、方向、策略的深沉思索。
7. 今年《辛》金弯刀是值年天干,比往常还要旺盛一倍,对应大马日主乙木是七杀,凌晨时分,寒气逼人!
8. 丑牛为宗教祭祀品,读者可自行解读!
9. 马来半岛被西方中古时期地理学家兼占星家,克劳迪乌斯·托勒密(Claudius Ptolemy 100A.D – 170 A.D) 称为《黄金半岛》Golden Chersonese or Golden Khersonese or Golden Peninsula,剑指彭亨州!当今大马最高元首也来自彭亨州苏丹。
10. 无独有偶,大马独立月份阳历8月31日 也是戊申月(秋月山中有黄金); 官运政权集中。凌晨弯月冷光照金牛,行动无需言语多。
11. 未来大马华裔的文化、教育和本民族色彩的命运不在个政党;反而跟九州九龙九苏丹大有关系。
12. 因为十九世纪华裔能进入马来半岛各马来州落地生根,是九州九龙九苏丹御准的(槟岛、马六甲、沙巴和砂劳越除外)。
13. 《辛》主皇族贵气;大马今年必见最高元首的皇权威严。更何况是来自于马来龙脉之地的彭亨!
14. 今年《辛》是第八天干,明年《壬》水第九天干九州九龙迹象更加明显。有何根据?
15. 君不见2020庚子年(庚即是皇权),最高元首兼彭亨(龙脉所在地)苏丹于政治乱局中,施展皇权,扶持丁丁(丁火炼庚金),罢免安哥和老马吗?
《2021 Malaysia Destiny 3》The Revelation from Metal Ox & Horse
《2021辛丑年看大马国运 3》马国马棚牛栏启示录
1. 庚子辛丑取象《壁上土》,依附屋瓦砖木周边墙;也是现代固化水泥土。
2. 对应大大的大马(自以为是)不就是马棚吗?
3. 对应牛逼的黄牛(金牛是装饰品)不就是牛栏吗?
4. 所以去年大马行管封锁Rakyat 住马槽/马棚;今年MCO.2住牛栏!
5. 马场马槽干燥舒服过,今年辛丑牛栏湿臭地,实在呆也呆不
6. 所以政府收紧牛逼SOP,逼得大家脸臭牛脾皮!
7. 庚子就是屋脊土,煞气经过浮虚土,表示阳气非常弱,依附栋
8. 也是天生天杀之一年,六十甲子轮回来一遍;要命收元开启新纪元!
9. 纪元开元又是新一年,所以称为辛(新)丑(筹)年。
10. 新筹(辛丑)逐渐代旧码,犹如丁丁取代糊涂马。
11. 若要此后年年棒棒的, 骑牛揾马是良药妙计。
12. 所以今年不要太大意, 看好准准一刀才下去。
备注 :辛就是刀。
Synthesis in English
The semi-poetic illustration for year 2021 in Chinese for Malaysia is something as below:
1. According to Nayin system in Chinese Metaphysics, 2020 & 2021 are categorized as cement earth / wall of a building.
2. Earth on the wall is the end product of the EARTH element, hence it is the least natural & weakest in term of energy.
3. Therefore, arrival of Geng Zi in 60 years cycle is always accompanied with disasters, be natural or man-made.
4. Immediate after Geng Zi is Xin Chou year, Xin (new or renewal) is the beginning of the new dimension, but with very weak energy since it just bounds back from the bottom.
5. If 2020 was meant as “reaching the bottom”; then 2021 is meant as “recovering from the bottom”.
6. 2020 took away the old era & 2021 symbolizes the beginning of the new timeline.
7. “Xin” 辛 means New or Renewal; while Chou丑 means smell from the past.
8. Hence, these teach us metaphysically to get ready for new era with new lifestyle, new mode of production; while learning from the painful past.
Stay Tuned for More Information!
《东方智慧》Oriental Wisdom – Master Soon
WhatsApp : +60125603333
电邮 Email : master@mastersoon.com
《2021 Malaysia Destiny 2》Bull Head Vs DaMa(Malaysia)
《2021辛丑年看大马国运 2》马国牛头不对马嘴;
1. 大马国花是大红花,为红色乙木。八字日主也是乙木。
2. 今年水旺金又多,水多木漂,预示马国政治继续动荡,存在不稳定因数诸多;但经济基本上刚好及格。
3. 乙木(花草之木)雖然柔弱,但今年仍能享受营养好处,经过牛老爷的耕耘之后,从丑湿土中吸取养分(牛為丑,本氣皆為己土);有点像看天吃饭;或坐享其成。换言之,马国有那么一点运气啊(过去10年留下来的经济实力) ;基本上是马国牛年吃老本。
4. 那济耐不住寂寞,经常跳出来邀功!不过春天一过,夏天来临官司太牛逼!好马不吃眼前亏,指鹿为马颠倒颠!
5. 只要国人不要太奢望或期望过高,那么红花插在牛头上,还是可以成为乡下霸主Juara Kampung 、 Village Champion。
6. 只是马国看了酸溜溜,岂能红花插牛头?预示有二。
7. 第一,宏观角度是马国外资金红利流向邻国去(今年水多红花乙木四处漂荡)。
8. 第二,微观角度政治过多眼红(妒忌)大红花插在老头牛。 各方都沾满烂泥巴(丑湿土) .
9. 今年大马牛头不对马嘴,对来对去 对不上;做事太不合逻辑,政策爆笑大马人是其一;
10. 其二是同个阵营内部意见严重分歧;或社会经济收入继续分化 为什么呢?因为…..牛耕田,马吃谷;富人穷人的鸿沟犹如牛和马的分别!表示基层人士为马国牛耕田,进一步加深!为什么?
11. 因为今年水多烂泥多,只有基层水牛泡水中;这对骑在马背上的各路英雄(政治经济精英)是毫无影响的。
12. 马上不知马下苦(指B40 基层),饱汉不知饿汉饥。这是富裕的大马建国64年来(刚满六十四卦一周天)从不未历过的景观。因为水旺冲击己土,尼沙流离四处,钱财四散,对基层影响巨大。
13. 由于今年马国五行金多水冷木漂土流失,所以玄学上大大有利属于
a. 丙火太阳(当下和未来科技行业如5G、物联网等最能代表未来五年的趋势);
b. 甲木参天( 跟教育、咨询服务、指导相关的行业)
c. 戊土大山 ( 跟房地产有关的行业)
14. 大马经济顶端二成精英(Top 20) 大多早已经投注努力于a 丙火行业。
15. 大马经济中层四成中坚分子(M40) 也处在b甲木和c戊土多年了。
16. 这非但是今年的趋势,也是四年之内的大马趋势!
17. 所成功是需要预知、预备、预行。
18. 不跟a、b、c 打交道;未来就要跟基层四成B40 好好处了!
19. 今年是决定未来4到5年后,一个家庭的未来!
20. 牛有千斤之力,人有倒牛之方;你绝对可以扭转乾坤!
21. 这是为何你喜欢玄学,因为TA 指导你如何驾驭太岁金牛!
22. 你懂了吗?做了吗?
Bull Head is inconsistent / incongruous / at odd with DaMa (Big Horse)
The year that determines your economic status 4 straight years.
1. The national flower of Malaysia is the Bunga Raya, which is a Big Red Flower. The Day Master of Malaysia BaZi is Soft Yi Wood / Flower.
2. There is a lot of water and metal, causing the flower floating in the massive water; indicating that Malaysia’s politics will continue to be turbulent, and there are many factors of instability; but the economy is basically just passing.
3. Although Soft Yi Wood (flowers and small plants) is weak, it can still enjoy the nutritional benefits this year. After the cultivation of the Grand Duke Metal Cow, it draws nutrients from the wet soil (the cow is wet soil); live by what one can find or rely on destiny; or sit back and enjoy the fruits. In other words, Malaysia has such a little luck (the economic strength left over from the past 10 years); basically, Malaysia is juicing on her very own economic surplus.
4. Narjic couldn’t stand his loneliness, and often jumped out to ask for credit! But once spring is over, the lawsuit is too awesome when summer comes! A good horse is smart enough to skip from immediate losses, calling a Stag A Horse, he is able to talk black into white and shift off all the responsibilities to the others.
5. As long as the Rakyat don’t have too much expectations or too ambitious, then the safflower on the bull’s head can still become the country overlord as Juara Kampung and Village Champion (peripheral winner).
6. However, Malaysia is jeolous, to see the bull is beautified / glorified by plugging Bunga Raya on its head? There are two signs for this.
7. First, from a macro perspective, Malaysia’s foreign capital dividends will flow to neighboring countries (this year, there is a lot of water and red flowers drifting around).
8. Second, there is too much jealousy in politics from a micro perspective. All sides are covered with mud (ugly wet soil).
9. This year, the political heads of the Malaysia are inconsistent & in disagreements. It is too illogical in policy making & implementation, and the policy is one of the Malaysians laughing stock.
10. The second is that there are serious differences in opinions within the same camp; or the socio-economic income continues to diverge. Why? Because… Cows plow the fields and horses eat the grains; the gap between the rich and the poor is like the difference between cows and horses! It means that the grassroots are plowing the fields for Malaysia cattle, and this is further deepened! Why?
11. Since there is a lot of water and mud this year for Malaysia, & only the grass-roots buffalo soaks in the water; this has no effect on the heroes (political and economic elites) riding on horseback.
12. One who is in comfortable circumstances doesn’t know the bitterness of misfortune (referring to the B40 grassroots level), a full man does not know that a hungry man is hungry. This is a landscape that the wealthy Malaysia has never experienced in the 64 years since the founding of the country (just completed the sixty-four hexagrams in a circle). Because of the flood of water hitting the muddy land, mud drifting around and wastage of unproductivity happening, which has a huge impact on the grassroots.
13. Due to the inefficiency of the five elements combination for Malaysia this year(excessive metal with strong water on top of floating wood & eroded soil), so metaphysical it is greatly beneficial to
a. Bing Fire Sun (current and future technology industries such as 5G and Internet of Things can best represent the trend of the next five years);
b. Jia Wood big Trees (industry related to education, consulting services, and coaching)
c. Wu Earth Big Mountain (Industry related to real estate)
14. Most of the top 20% of the Malaysian economy (Top 20) have already invested their efforts in the a-fire industry.
15. Forty percent of the middle-class members of the Malaysian economy (M40) have also been in category a. & b. for many years.
16. This is not only a trend this year, but also a trend in Malaysia up to 2025!
17. Success requires foresight, preparation and advancement.
18. Any one refuses to deal with a, b, and c; in the future, it will be 40% (B40), the grassroots.
19. This year is the future deciding year of a family after 4 or 5 straight years!
20. The ox has the power of a thousand catties, and the man has the power to fall the ox; you can definitely turn things around!
21. This is why you like metaphysics, because it teaches you how to control Tai Sui Metal Cow!
22. Do you understand? & do it?
“The cow doesn’t know its bending horns, the horse doesn’t see its long face” (people could not see their own shortcomings); don’t worry about too much political noise; plan your future and career well! The Year of the Metal Cow this year is year of determinant for economic power in your future. To take advantage of it!
Good Luck !
《东方智慧》Oriental Wisdom – Master Soon
WhatsApp : +60125603333
电邮 Email : master@mastersoon.com
《2021 Malaysia Destiny 》 1 : Will Be Find in The End
《2021辛丑年看大马国运 1》逢凶化吉
辛丑年直观是五行属于金牛,那么放在离开天干地支发源地中国, 之边境也有2500公里的马来西亚是预示什么呢?
1. 首先,马来西亚简称大马(Pan Malaya) 或马国。
2. 根据2020年人口调查,主体民族是马来族(占总人口69%),第二大族群是华族(占总人口22%),第三大族群是印度人(占总人口7%)
3. 国语是马来语,官方宗教是伊斯兰。
4. 可见马国拥有非常浓烈的《马》元素和《回》元素。 其次才是《华》和《印》。
5. 辛丑非但是金牛那么简单,而是西方“辛苦”的牛大爷(太岁)。
6. 《马国》是东方亚洲中小国家,没有首当其冲,而是与太岁子弹擦肩而国,化险为夷,有惊无险。(太岁直冲西南方而不是东南亚的马国)。
7. 只是《马国》今年没有跟太岁牛大爷结盟(三合、六合) ;反而是处于牛大爷的对立阵营(牛马相害)。看来国际不太信任,甚至猜疑马国的政治和经济能力哟!
8. 辛金是刑刀、小李飞刀、平头刀等刀具。
9. 今年牛大爷(太岁)走起路来慢吞吞,却藏着一把刀。
10. 只是马儿机警跑得快(马从不靠近牛), 所以今年《马国》逢凶化吉。
11. 不过那些不守SOP规矩又跟牛大爷考得太接近又没有社交距离Social Distancing, 就要面对牛大爷的疫情小李飞刀暗算啊!
12. 《辛》也是古代的薪,就是木材、燃火之草。丑土是湿土,所以辛丑年表面是草木弄湿了,旺不起来, 起火有难度。意味是经济有问题。
13. 今年国际经济旺不起来,然而,《马》字藏有丁火、薪火、火把。马国又再次化险为夷,化干戈为玉帛。虽然无法和经济大国相比,但属于中上档次!
14. 2021年对马国是耕耘之年,辛苦的一年但又有希望!何以见得?
15. 辛除了代表小李飞刀之外,也代表木材。
16. 搁在牛颈上的曲木叫牛轭。牛轭配铁犁。
17. 《辛丑》在玄学上美其名称为闪耀的金牛,现实里却是恰恰相反的被铁犁枷锁和背负曲木牛轭,被逼耕种的《辛》苦老牛啊。
18. 正当大多数的国家面对辛苦的经济时候,马国只受到相对较小的负面影响且得以善保全身而退;因为马国今年没有跟牛太岁同阵营(三合、六合)牛马互相否认,排挤,各走各的;大大的减少牛老爷太岁身上的杀气(曲木牛轭、铁犁)对马国的杀伤力!
19. 毕竟本性骄傲的马儿从不理睬在农地耕种的《辛》苦老牛。你牛大爷幸苦你的, 我马儿依旧潇洒奔驰草原上!所以牛马相害嘛!
20. 那么为何又说2021年是马国的耕耘年呢? 且听我慢慢道来….
21. 马国即是“马来西亚”,里面有个《来》字。
22. 因疫情各国包括马国也执行封锁令。其约束力和狭隘活动范围犹如《井》字;仅足够日常起居吃喝如靠《井》旁而居。
23. 当《来》字 + 《井》字 = 耕。
24. 表示马国经济虽然不至于一蹋糊涂,但必须脚踏实地,严谨过一年。
25. 同时,“马来西亚”有个《西》字;对应今年辛金西。
26. 而辛代表 辛苦、薪水、小李飞刀、木材、铁犁、牛轭等。
27. 预示马来西亚,特别是马来政治上有变动因数和不稳定元素。
28. 为何是马来政治呢?因为《西》字的前面是《马来》二字。
29. 不过马来族即是大马人口主体(69%),自然也牵动他族的政治神经线。
30. 马国伊斯兰的《回》元素对2021大马有什么预示呢?
31. 辛金在天为月,而月亮又是伊斯兰的标志。 这预示什么呢?
《2021 Malaysia Destiny 》 1 : Will Be Find in The End
Basically Xin Chou year is Metal Cow by 5 elements concept. How does it apply in Malaysia, which is 25oo kilometers away from birthplace of Chinese Zodiac, China?
1. First of all, Malaysia is referred to as Pan Malaya or DaMa, which literally means Big Horse in Chinese.
2. According to the 2020 census, the main ethnic group is Malay (69% of the total population), the second largest ethnic group is Chinese (22% of the total population), and the third largest ethnic group is Indians (7% of the total population)
3. The national language is Malay and the official religion is Islam.
4. It can be seen that Malaysia has very strong “horse” elements
and Islamic “hui” elements. Followed by Chinese (Hua) and Indian (印).
5. Xin Chou is not as simple as Metal Cow, but the “hard-working” uncle Ox (Tai Sui or Grand Duke) in the West.
6. “Malaysia” is a small and medium-sized country in Asia. It doesn’t bear the brunt of it. Instead, Malaysia rubbed her shoulders with the Tai Sui’s bullets and turned danger into a breeze. (Tai Sui killing goes straight to the southwest instead of Malaysia in Southeast Asia).
7. it’s just that “Ma Guo”(Malaysia) doesn’t form an alliance with Grand Duke Ox (Sanhe, Liuhe) this year; instead, it is in the opposite camp of Grand Duke (Ox and Horses harmed). It seems that the international community does not trust it, and even suspects Malaysia’s political and economic capabilities!
8. Xin Metal is a knife such as torture knife, Xiaoli flying knife, flat knife and so on.
9. This year, Uncle Niu (Tai Sui or Grand Duke) walks slowly, but he hides a knife.
10. It’s just that horse runs faster (horses never get close to cows), so this year’s “Ma Country”(Malaysia) turns out to be good.
11. However, those who do not abide by the SOP rules, are too close to the Uncle Niu(Grand Duke) and have no social distancing, will face the epidemic of Uncle Niu(Grand Duke), and Xiao Li Feidao(flying knife) will attack them!
12. “Xin” also means salary, wood and fire grass. Chou soil is wet soil, so the surface of Xin Chou year is wetted with humidity & water; can’t flourish, making it difficult to catch fire. It means that there is a problem with the economy.
13. The international economy is not booming this year. However, the Chinese character “horse” contains Dinghuo, Xinhuo, and torch. The country of Malaysia once again skips the danger, turns the danger to be a chance of change of better tomorrow. Although it cannot be compared with the economic powers, but her economic performance is moderate!
14. 2021 is a year of hard work for Malaysia, a hard year but there is hope! Why? Because
15. In addition to Xiao Li Feidao (Flying knife), Xin also represents wood.
16. The bent wood resting on the ox neck is called a yoke. Ox yoke with iron plow.
17. “Xin Chou” is metaphysically named as the shining golden bull, but in reality it is just the opposite of the “Xin” bull who is forced to farm with iron plow & being controlled by yoke on the shoulders.
18. While most countries are facing a difficult economy, Malaysia is only affected by relatively small negative effects and is able to protect her economy considerably effective; because Malaysia is not in the same camp as Niu Tai Sui / Grand Duke (Sanhe, Liuhe) this year. Malaysia’s Denial to follow others, self-confidence, and go their own way; greatly reduce the murderous intent (curved wood yoke, iron plow) of the old man Niu Tai Sui(Grand Duke Ox) to the country of Malaysia!
19. After all, a proud horse never pays attention to the hard-working old cows that are cultivating on the farmland. Your uncle Niu thanked you for your hardship, I, the horse is still galloping on the grassland! So the horses and cows harm each other! But Malaysia (horse) wins in this case.
20. So why do you say that 2021 is a year of hard work for Malaysia? Let me show you……
21. MaLaiXiYa in Chinese of Malaysia has the 2nd word “Lai” in it, means “come in”.
22. Due to the epidemic, countries including Malaysia have also implemented Movement Control Orders. Its binding force and limited space with narrow range of activities are like the word “Jing”(Well); it is only enough to eat and drink in daily life like living by the “Well”.
23. When the word “lai” + the word “jing” combined = farming.
24. Said that although the Malaysian economy will not be extremely bad, but, people must be down to earth & be caustious for this year.
25. At the same time, “Malaysia” has the word “West”; it corresponds to this year’s Xin Metal West.
26. Xin stands for hard work, salary, Xiaoli flying knife, wood, iron plow, ox yoke, etc.
27. It indicates that Malaysia, especially Malay politics, has factors of change and instability.
28. Why is Malay politics? Because the word “West” comes after the word “Malay”.
29. However, the Malays are the main population of Malaysia (69%), and naturally they also affect the politics of other ethnic groups.
30. What does the “Return” Hui element of Islam in Malaysia mean for Malaysia in 2021?
31. Xin metal is the moon in the sky, and the moon is the symbol of Islam. What does this indicate?
For details, stay tuned!
《东方智慧》Oriental Wisdom – Master Soon
WhatsApp : +60125603333
电邮 Email : master@mastersoon.com
BaZi & Your Business Success
Baby Name Selection 2021
本人从业中华玄学服务近20年, 给宝宝起名是项目之一。
除了为新生婴儿起名,还有为 《名正言顺》、《命符其实》、《命实相符》、《名利兼收》、《名不虚立》、《名列前茅》、《名扬四海》、《名门世族》、《命闻天下》、《名闻利养》、《功名利禄》、《求名求利》、《慕名而来》、《出师有名》、《鼎鼎大名》、《久闻大名》、《异路功名》、《富贵功名》 行行色色,各色各样的目的前来请教 brand name , trade name, nick name, 艺名, 佚名 Anonymous 等等之。目的而来。
近期有个家长为其4岁的儿子光明未来改名; 经已查清法律程序和Jabatan Pendaftaran 的流程细节。目的非常明确 而 非改不可。
备注: 受英语文教育背景的大马华裔对中华文化的热爱, 是不亚(输)于受中文教育的大马华裔。他们对自己文化的热爱是内敛但又非常热情奔放,用自己能力范围内的能力去维护TA, 滋养自己的文化。
《东方智慧》Oriental Wisdom – Master Soon
WhatsApp : +60125603333
电邮 Email : master@mastersoon.com
Bungalow Feng Shui 2020
- This photo explains how feng shui is applied in a bungalow, a client of mine.
- I was invited to get feng shui done twice within 7 years.
- The ground of the patio is designed in such a way to accumulate the Qi, right in front of the main door. It looks like a big rectangular plate to receive the Qi from the higher ground( main gate).
- Technically, feng shui pool should be incorporated in such away the no one knows the application.
- This set up serves this family auspiciously and prosperously for
- the 3rd generation, in Malaysia & Australia
- business empire passing to the 3rd generation.
- All family members are wealthy, highly educated, multi-talented, happy & blessed.
- Perhaps, I may share some of the technical know-how that are incorporated in this case at some time in the future.
《东方智慧》Oriental Wisdom – Master Soon
WhatsApp : +60125603333
电邮 Email : master@mastersoon.com
Kitchen Feng Shui 2020
Man Must Know This Feng Shui Secret 男人必须知道的风水秘密
Feng Shui Secret that Man Must Know
若你男性朋友家里的炉灶是你站在大门就可以看得清清楚楚的,又或是你在窗口,炉灶就暴露在你眼底下;那么十之七八你这男性朋友一定夜夜梦幻楚留香。 问题是大门窗外还有许多男性楚留香窥探家里的玛丽莲蒙蕾,蒙蒙胧胧;却又清清楚楚….. 男主人身处青青绿绿的花花草草…..
婚姻出轨的机率达70%-80%, 虽然不是绝对,但是迹象已显露。
If the stove is obviously visible/seen/exposed by standing at the main door or window; then the good news is that the man must have a type of Marilyn Monre sexy wife that he always proud of.
However, the bad news is that the exposed stove(thru main door/window) exposes female sexiness to the outsiders as well. The probability of getting affair is around 70% – 80%; although not absolute but tendency is THERE.
《东方智慧》Oriental Wisdom – Master Soon
WhatsApp : +60125603333
电邮 Email : master@mastersoon.com