It has been a norm to work after dinner … in China. It seems that the people of China are so hard working. So, after dinner, we started to work…. I was brought by one of my students to her beauty salon. The temperature of the nite was so cooling, about 12-15 degree celcius ….. Leading a group of 10-12 students… we went to this beauty salon. Basically, I have no idea about the business performance at the begining. However, after 5 minutes I told the owner that ” Your business is NOT good as feng shui arrangement is meant for MONEY LEAKING.漏财局
在中国,似乎晚饭后再看风水是一个大家能够接受的活动. 也许这也告诉我们中国人民是发奋图强的民族。所以,改天我也在饭后就受邀到其中一位学员的美容店铺勘查风水。随我去的人大约有十来个。天气是凉爽的 大概在 12-15度. 起初,学员业主也没对我说什么,所以我本人对学员店铺生意好坏是不知情的。 然而,在勘查风水5分钟后我马上对该学员业主说“您的生意不好,因为你店铺的风水是个破财局。”
My examination on this fieldwork showed that this was the work of xuan kong flying star method 玄空飞星法. The owner showed me the chart and it is confirmed that the feng shui was based on xuan kong flying star. Originally, the business was extremely good. 6 months ago, the boss decided to expend from 1 lot of shop house to 2 lots of shop houses. Based on the previous feng shui master, the door was tilted… the water pond was specifically located. However, business is getting harder and harder…. In fact, from my fieldwork, this is NOT the first case study for xuan kong flying star FAILURE. From China to South East Asia to India and to Europe, I have seen too many of this kind of failures which are mostly done based on xuan kong flying stars……
实地考察证明这店铺之前是采用玄空飞星法来布风水局。业主拿风水图出来,这也证明之前的风水是玄空飞星. 过去六年,生意非常好.为了应付日益增加的客户源,业主于六个月前决定扩大大约双倍店铺面积,就凭清风水师勘查后装修.大门方向明显被刻意处理,水源刻意锁定在某方位。 然而,六个月来,生意经营每况愈下,业主深感吃力. 脑海里在想着转行. (半年前信心满满,风水布局后且打击信心,这是明显的反风水效应的) 这不是第一玄空飞星风水的失败案例。我在中国,印度,东南亚和欧洲,屡见不鲜.

Obviously, the door was tilted. However, Door Tilting Did NOT bring any positive result to the business. One more real case study for Xuan Kong Fei Xing method's FAILURE. 很明显的,大门正向已经勉强被扭曲。我们被告知开业时,此作法是玄空飞星+大卦的要求.(有图为证)然而,却让该店生意一落千丈.请读者三思........

One more failure of xuan kong flying stars. This shop was feng shuied by xuan kong flying stars. Many 6 golden coins and feng shui items were recommended. However, the result is negative. 又一单被玄空飞星伤害的案例.此店是用玄空飞星布局;大门也是用玄空飞星调(其实玄空飞星根本不能调门向....) 误导商家.

Master Soon Explained Number of Feng Shui Problems;where the problems are how what are the side effects. 孙老师细心解说几个风水误区;其风水所在地和带来的负效果.