His chinese name carries the symbol and pictograph of imperial crown 名字戴冠帽
His speech is speedy and hurting 说话像射箭
In year 2006 and 2007, there is no sign of election. For the last 50 years, Penang only experinced 3 Chief Minister. Logically, there will not be any change. Moreover, the Then Chief Minister , Khor Tzu Khoon was very firm and strong before general election Mac 2008.
After 14 months, my prediction become true…… on 08 March 2008……
The newly elected Chief Minister of Penang is Lim Guan Eng 林冠英. No one could imagine that opposition party defeated the ruling party by more then 2/3 majority, set up a very strong new ruling state government. The new chief minister is famous for his critical and sharp comments. He always condemns his political enemies and makes them shameful and sinful…. You could check his character online by typing ” Lim Guan Eng”
His middle name is Guan 《冠》 means imperial crown. This is abosolutely accurate and in line with my prediction, a new chief minister from other state, from opposition party. This is amazing…..
在 2007年1月31日, 我接受《光明日报》的采访。针对槟州的政局,本人发表以下了大胆的预测。
此言一出, 震惊槟州政坛。因为这是对当时槟城州(省)的领导之否定.从逻辑来看也不可能,因为当时执政党“内定人选”不像以上的描述。
在带着半信半疑的气氛, 14个月后,就是 2008年3月8日,槟州政权易手。历史性的反对党打败当时的执政党;改朝换代…
新的省长(首席部长) 林冠英 ;其人其名合乎我 14个月之前的预言….
林《冠》英 ;符合 我的签语 : 名字戴冠帽
其人说话得势不饶人,赶尽杀绝 ; 符合 我的签语 :讲话像射箭