- How about if I invite you to see BaZi from the Western perspective?
- How about if I propose to analyze BaZi
WITHOUTthe len of Sino-centric egoism? - How about if I put in some biblical spicy Revelation for you to see this dragon of 2024?
- How about if I address this dragon from a Quranic perspective?
- The objective of having so many perspectives is because you and I wanted to see the TRUTH.
- If you see Jia 甲 is power No. 1 from the heavenly stem sequential order, then
- 2024, Jia 甲 is The United States, Superpower No. 1
- If you see Chen 辰 as a Southeast direction/location, & see it from a Western perspective, then
- Southeast Chen 辰 of the West(Europe) is the Middle East/Near East
- (The Middle East and Near East refer to the same region today).
- 2024, Chen 辰 is about the Middle East(Near East)
- Before WWII, The West saw & defined Middle Eastern/Arab Countries as territories in the East(to Europe) but Nearer in the distance if compared to the Far East (Asian countries facing the Pacific Ocean).
- Islam / Arab at the Southeast / Chen (Dragon) 辰 was a one-thousand-year dragon threat to the existence of Western Civilization until the Ottoman Empire was dismantled and destroyed by the West in 1922.
- This dragon threat(Ottoman Empire) was reduced & declared as a republic of Turkey on October 29, 1923(100 hundred year ago)
- Islam is expected to rise again after 100 years of the Fall of the Ottoman Empire.
- Hence, The West needs to go back to the Middle East(2024 draconian ) and put one more cross/nail in the forehead of the vampire, for another 100 years of hibernation.
- The West used to see the Ottoman Empire(Dragon – South East of Europe) as the Vampire before the centuries(16th & 17th) of the great discoveries of Spain and Portugal.
- However, the problem with the Western Bloc this round is that The West is being seen as the vampire itself, by BOTH Muslim countries and the majority of Non-muslim countries.
- Hence, 2024 refers to
- Jia 甲, Global Superpower No.1 – The United States & Allies
- Chen 辰,
- Primary Focus: Near East (Middle East)
- Secondary Focus: Far East (Northeast Asia & Southeast Asia)
- Major Concern 1: Maintaining the status quo for Petrol U.S Dollar
- Major Concern 2: Global Power Balance
- In short, Chen 辰 refers to the Middle East Dragon primarily first; then only followed by Twin Dragon in the Far East( China & Japan)
- The Above is about the general interpretation of global politics in 2024.
- How about Jia Chen 甲辰 apply to you on a personal level?
- How about if you are told that there is a hidden vampire that resides inside yourself?
- How about if you trigger and activate the vampiric power inside you?
- How about if you are told that Daoism also talks about vampires but with more compassion & less aggression?
- If you could accept the flow of the thoughts as coin above, kindly stay tuned for more info.
- After all, the ongoing global events show that the 2024 Dragon Vs Vampire is more likely to refer to the Vampire / Dragon perceived by Super Power No.1 (The Western Bloc). This defines the outcome of 2024 on global development.
- The weight of the Middle East/Near East(Southeast from Europe, 辰) is much heavier & more important than the weight of the Far East in the maintenance of Western Global Domination.
Remarks :
- 甲 Jia: East, Near East, No 1
- 辰 Chen : South East(view from Europe)
- Dragon 辰 = Vampire
Stay Tuned
Master Soon
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