- Period 9: 2020 – 2040 (Since The Great Conjunction Between Jupiter & Saturn on 21 Dec 2020).
- Color: Orange, Red, Pink & Purple.
- 5 Element Category: Fire
- Trigram: Li 离卦, literally means separation & transformation
- Symbol: Broken Window & Empty Building (the broken line in the center of Li trigram)
- Effect: New Technology Replaces Old System
- Outcome 1: Property & Construction Industry is losing the glorious crown gradually on yearly basis.
- Outcome 2: Old Style/Fashion of Service Business Entities are losing out.
- Check: Is yourself or your company experiencing the Broken Window Effect?
- Opportunities: To those who
- quit the broken window building the faster.
- adopt new technology and a new paradigm shift.
- restore & repair the broken window
- treat the wounds immediately
- Just as every individual has a personal destiny, every corporate or company also has a corporate destiny.
- The ability to discover and fulfill that corporate destiny depends upon the foundation and structure upon which your company is built.
Keywords: Broken Window Effect, Structure, Foundation, New Technology
《东方智慧》Oriental Wisdom – Master Soon
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