- Suddenly at the age of 38 years old, realize in the wrong industry, after 15 years of unstable jobs in Construction & Property.
- Our instinct keeps telling us about this, but we rejected the warning because we wanted and preferred to stay and enjoy in our comfort zone.
- Feeling dropping the course was part of our inner self sending the signal to us.
- Yet, insisting on the wrong path eventually caused wasted 15 years and debts.
- Partly due to a superstitious belief in POSITIVE THINKING and LAW of ATTRACTION.
- Only More & More Misfortunates would be attracted if the WRONG Path was chosen.
- The issue worsens further, after The Great Conjunction Between Jupiter & Saturn on 21 Dec 2020, when our planet earth is entering into Period 9 Fire, leaving behind Period 8 Earth(Construction & Property).
- Even not all individuals could be benefited during the golden age of Property and Construction (2000- 2020); due to personal career tendencies and qualities.
- Earth industry is in the rapid process of declining after pandemics.
- Are you ready to take a chance to face the New Normal?
Stay Tuned for more information
《东方智慧》Oriental Wisdom – Master Soon
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