- Feng Shui is similar to the Promised Land concept by Jehovah/Yahweh;
- Promised Land is about Imagined Property/Land.
- Imagined Property is from your Imagination.
- Your Imagination is from your Mind. Therefore,
- The Mind is your feng shui. Hence,
- Changing the mind then you change your feng shui.
- If the White Christians have been adopting this very concept of Promised Land, not only effectively colonized the whole world but also successfully ruled North America, Southern America, Australia, New Zealand by committing genocide onto indigenous people & slavery onto Africans;
- Then you must study this concept & apply it to expedite the process of gravitational switch over from the West to the East Post Pandemics Covid 19.
- How a Chinese could benefit from Bible reading WITHOUT converting to Christianity? By right, the Chinese WOULD NOT convert if you fully understand Chinese traditional philosophy well.
- Only those weak in spirituality, psychology & naïve of their traditional Daoism/Buddhism/Confucianism will convert to replace their sense of emptiness/ inferiority.
- However, Chinese is very open-minded to all kinds of learning and idea.
- Why? Because Jesus taught you so that you & God are ONE.
- Where is the proof?
- Jesus said: “Because I live, you also will live. On that day you will realize that I am in my Father, and you are in me, and I am in you. (John 14:20)
- If you combined the blue words above, then the only conclusion is: You are God.
- Since you are god, and also you and god are one; then when reading the Bible,
- You just need to replace the word of God/Lord/Jehovah/Yahweh will “Your Mind”.
- Your Mind is Your Imagination.
- Your Imagination is your Imagined Land.
- Your Imagined Land is the Promised Land.
- This was how the White Christians were convinced to replace Red Indians & indigenous people by taking their lands in North America, South America, Australia, and New Zealand.
- The proof is as below :
- Genesis 12:
- 1: Jehovah/Yahweh(The Mind) had said to Abram, “Go from your country, your people, and your father’s household to the land I will show you.
- 2“I(The Mind) will make you into a great nation and I will bless you; I will make your name great and you will be a blessing.
- I(The Mind) will bless those who bless you and whoever curses you I will curse, and all peoples on earth will be blessed through you.”
- However, the mind(Jehovah) did not bless the RED Indians of America and Indigenous People in Australia and New Zealand; but the Mind(Jehovah) cursed them.
- This is the reason why the Chinese do not bow down to ONE God, because to be THAT god, you MUST be omnipotent
to bless & to curse; create, and destroyunder the Yin Yang concept. - Thru the Yin Yang concept, the god must be angelic and devilish, creative & destructive.
- And Bible confirms this very fact.
- Chinese converted to Christianity, not because of the humbleness of Jesus,
- but simply wanted to get the superpower from Jehovah to expand their careers or businesses by removing all competitors along the way; just like how Israelites killed the infidels along the way they marched into the Promised land from Egpyt.
- Christian Chinese just like non-Christian Chinese, both equally love the world more than loving Jesus.
- It is very hard to ask a Christian Chinese to die for Jesus because they love their lives more than loving Jesus.
- Just slap at the face of Christian Chinese and see their reactions, then you know the answer.
- The Chinese do not have to convert to get the mighty power of Jehovah.
- Because Jehovah is the devilish side of your inner self.
- Because Jehovah is the Yin Power inside you. You get it since your birth.
- And Jesus is the angelic side of your inner self.
- Jesus is the Yang Power inside you. You have possessed it since your birth.
- Jehovah teaches you how to hate because he said he is a jealous God (Exodus 20:5).
- Jesus teaches you how to love.
- Do you think Jesus would agree that the White Christians perform genocide onto Red Indians and Slavery onto African; by Old Testament?
- Of course NOT by the teaching of Jesus in the New Testament.
- Then you would know
Jesus is NOT Jehovah/Yahweh. - Jehovah/Yahweh is the negative/destructive power inside everyone.
- Now, let us turn to China, and study how the concept of Promised Land was practically adopted and the result was so amazing, as below;
- Replica Palace Feng Shui(Imagined Promised Land that Contributed to Dynasty Change / The change of National Destiny.
- 构想宫殿风水(应许之地),有助于王朝变迁/民族命运的变化。
- Nurhaci, the 1st emperor of the Qing Dynasty constructed his Imagined Palace, Shenyang Palace (60,000 sq. meters) in the year 1625 by duplicating/imaging Beijing Palace (720,000 sq. meters)
- After 19 years, his grandchildren had successfully captured Beijing Palace which was 12 times bigger than Shenyang Palace; on top of burying the Ming Dynasty totally in the year 1644.
- However, the territorial space conquered was hundreds of times – captured the WHOLE CHINA.
- It is your old & small house feng shui(Imagination) that empowered you to buy your current bungalow.
- You need to figure out clearly which is the cause & which is the outcome.
- You should be proud of your old & smelly house(Imagination) that empowers you to be an as successful person today.
- This explains well why so many businessmen become less powerful or never be able to achieve such high performance again that they did hit during the olden day at old houses.
- Just like the way how Israelites became powerless once successfully entering into The Promised Land.
- Even some of them are bankrupting after moving into the luxurious bungalow (Just like how Israelites sinned once entering into the Promised Land).
- This also explains why most successful people retain their old houses(Imagination) that brought them good feng shui(The Promised Land).
- Replica or Feng Shui is powerful as it amplifies your imaginative power for success.
- Therefore, Feng Shui is Imagination.
- Imagination is the Promised Land.
- Promised Land is granted by Jehovah/Yahweh.
- Then, Feng Shui is the power of Jehovah.
- Jehovah is the Yin Power inside you.
- Hence, You are Jehovah.
- If you could understand what I have said above,
- You are about to grab your Promised Land.
- If you condemn that feng shui is satanic & devilish,
- Then you are correct because it is from the Yin power inside you.
- 19年以后,他的孙子们成功地占领了比沈阳皇宫还要大12倍的北京故宫; 1644年完全埋葬了明朝。
- 是您的旧小房子风水使您能够购买当前的洋房。
- 您需要清楚地找出哪个是原因,哪个是结果。
- 您应该为自己的旧房子和的房子感到自豪,其风水是您今天成功的因数之一。
- 这很好地解释了为什么这么多商人变得不那么有力量,或者再也无法获得如此高的绩效,以致于他们在现在新房子里遭受重创。甚至其中一些在搬入豪华房子后也破产了。
- 这也解释了为什么大多数成功人士保留旧房子,为他们带来好风水.
- 象形风水威力巨大,因为它倍增你的想象空间力度,提升你的成功率。
What are other practical & effective technical know-how feng shui at the Shenyang Palace I found during my fieldwork research?
The picture was taken during my fieldwork research on 25 Oct 2017 at Shenyang Palace.
摄于二0一七年10月25日 沈阳故宫
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