《2021辛丑年看大马国运 1》逢凶化吉
辛丑年直观是五行属于金牛,那么放在离开天干地支发源地中国, 之边境也有2500公里的马来西亚是预示什么呢?
1. 首先,马来西亚简称大马(Pan Malaya) 或马国。
2. 根据2020年人口调查,主体民族是马来族(占总人口69%),第二大族群是华族(占总人口22%),第三大族群是印度人(占总人口7%)
3. 国语是马来语,官方宗教是伊斯兰。
4. 可见马国拥有非常浓烈的《马》元素和《回》元素。 其次才是《华》和《印》。
5. 辛丑非但是金牛那么简单,而是西方“辛苦”的牛大爷(太岁)。
6. 《马国》是东方亚洲中小国家,没有首当其冲,而是与太岁子弹擦肩而国,化险为夷,有惊无险。(太岁直冲西南方而不是东南亚的马国)。
7. 只是《马国》今年没有跟太岁牛大爷结盟(三合、六合) ;反而是处于牛大爷的对立阵营(牛马相害)。看来国际不太信任,甚至猜疑马国的政治和经济能力哟!
8. 辛金是刑刀、小李飞刀、平头刀等刀具。
9. 今年牛大爷(太岁)走起路来慢吞吞,却藏着一把刀。
11. 不过那些不守SOP规矩又跟牛大爷考得太接近又没有社交距离Social Distancing, 就要面对牛大爷的疫情小李飞刀暗算啊!
12. 《辛》也是古代的薪,就是木材、燃火之草。丑土是湿土,所以辛丑年表面是草木弄湿了,旺不起来, 起火有难度。意味是经济有问题。
13. 今年国际经济旺不起来,然而,《马》字藏有丁火、薪火、火把。马国又再次化险为夷,化干戈为玉帛。虽然无法和经济大国相比,但属于中上档次!
14. 2021年对马国是耕耘之年,辛苦的一年但又有希望!何以见得?
15. 辛除了代表小李飞刀之外,也代表木材。
16. 搁在牛颈上的曲木叫牛轭。牛轭配铁犁。
17. 《辛丑》在玄学上美其名称为闪耀的金牛,现实里却是恰恰相反的被铁犁枷锁和背负曲木牛轭,被逼耕种的《辛》苦老牛啊。
18. 正当大多数的国家面对辛苦的经济时候,马国只受到相对较小的负面影响且得以善保全身而退;因为马国今年没有跟牛太岁同阵营(三合、六合)牛马互相否认,排挤,各走各的;大大的减少牛老爷太岁身上的杀气(曲木牛轭、铁犁)对马国的杀伤力!
19. 毕竟本性骄傲的马儿从不理睬在农地耕种的《辛》苦老牛。你牛大爷幸苦你的, 我马儿依旧潇洒奔驰草原上!所以牛马相害嘛!
20. 那么为何又说2021年是马国的耕耘年呢? 且听我慢慢道来….
21. 马国即是“马来西亚”,里面有个《来》字。
22. 因疫情各国包括马国也执行封锁令。其约束力和狭隘活动范围犹如《井》字;仅足够日常起居吃喝如靠《井》旁而居。
23. 当《来》字 + 《井》字 = 耕。
24. 表示马国经济虽然不至于一蹋糊涂,但必须脚踏实地,严谨过一年。
25. 同时,“马来西亚”有个《西》字;对应今年辛金西。
26. 而辛代表 辛苦、薪水、小李飞刀、木材、铁犁、牛轭等。
27. 预示马来西亚,特别是马来政治上有变动因数和不稳定元素。
28. 为何是马来政治呢?因为《西》字的前面是《马来》二字。
29. 不过马来族即是大马人口主体(69%),自然也牵动他族的政治神经线。
30. 马国伊斯兰的《回》元素对2021大马有什么预示呢?
31. 辛金在天为月,而月亮又是伊斯兰的标志。 这预示什么呢?
《2021 Malaysia Destiny 》 1 : Will Be Find in The End
Basically Xin Chou year is Metal Cow by 5 elements concept. How does it apply in Malaysia, which is 25oo kilometers away from birthplace of Chinese Zodiac, China?
1. First of all, Malaysia is referred to as Pan Malaya or DaMa, which literally means Big Horse in Chinese.
2. According to the 2020 census, the main ethnic group is Malay (69% of the total population), the second largest ethnic group is Chinese (22% of the total population), and the third largest ethnic group is Indians (7% of the total population)
3. The national language is Malay and the official religion is Islam.
4. It can be seen that Malaysia has very strong “horse” elements
and Islamic “hui” elements. Followed by Chinese (Hua) and Indian (印).
5. Xin Chou is not as simple as Metal Cow, but the “hard-working” uncle Ox (Tai Sui or Grand Duke) in the West.
6. “Malaysia” is a small and medium-sized country in Asia. It doesn’t bear the brunt of it. Instead, Malaysia rubbed her shoulders with the Tai Sui’s bullets and turned danger into a breeze. (Tai Sui killing goes straight to the southwest instead of Malaysia in Southeast Asia).
7. it’s just that “Ma Guo”(Malaysia) doesn’t form an alliance with Grand Duke Ox (Sanhe, Liuhe) this year; instead, it is in the opposite camp of Grand Duke (Ox and Horses harmed). It seems that the international community does not trust it, and even suspects Malaysia’s political and economic capabilities!
8. Xin Metal is a knife such as torture knife, Xiaoli flying knife, flat knife and so on.
9. This year, Uncle Niu (Tai Sui or Grand Duke) walks slowly, but he hides a knife.
10. It’s just that horse runs faster (horses never get close to cows), so this year’s “Ma Country”(Malaysia) turns out to be good.
11. However, those who do not abide by the SOP rules, are too close to the Uncle Niu(Grand Duke) and have no social distancing, will face the epidemic of Uncle Niu(Grand Duke), and Xiao Li Feidao(flying knife) will attack them!
12. “Xin” also means salary, wood and fire grass. Chou soil is wet soil, so the surface of Xin Chou year is wetted with humidity & water; can’t flourish, making it difficult to catch fire. It means that there is a problem with the economy.
13. The international economy is not booming this year. However, the Chinese character “horse” contains Dinghuo, Xinhuo, and torch. The country of Malaysia once again skips the danger, turns the danger to be a chance of change of better tomorrow. Although it cannot be compared with the economic powers, but her economic performance is moderate!
14. 2021 is a year of hard work for Malaysia, a hard year but there is hope! Why? Because
15. In addition to Xiao Li Feidao (Flying knife), Xin also represents wood.
16. The bent wood resting on the ox neck is called a yoke. Ox yoke with iron plow.
17. “Xin Chou” is metaphysically named as the shining golden bull, but in reality it is just the opposite of the “Xin” bull who is forced to farm with iron plow & being controlled by yoke on the shoulders.
18. While most countries are facing a difficult economy, Malaysia is only affected by relatively small negative effects and is able to protect her economy considerably effective; because Malaysia is not in the same camp as Niu Tai Sui / Grand Duke (Sanhe, Liuhe) this year. Malaysia’s Denial to follow others, self-confidence, and go their own way; greatly reduce the murderous intent (curved wood yoke, iron plow) of the old man Niu Tai Sui(Grand Duke Ox) to the country of Malaysia!
19. After all, a proud horse never pays attention to the hard-working old cows that are cultivating on the farmland. Your uncle Niu thanked you for your hardship, I, the horse is still galloping on the grassland! So the horses and cows harm each other! But Malaysia (horse) wins in this case.
20. So why do you say that 2021 is a year of hard work for Malaysia? Let me show you……
21. MaLaiXiYa in Chinese of Malaysia has the 2nd word “Lai” in it, means “come in”.
22. Due to the epidemic, countries including Malaysia have also implemented Movement Control Orders. Its binding force and limited space with narrow range of activities are like the word “Jing”(Well); it is only enough to eat and drink in daily life like living by the “Well”.
23. When the word “lai” + the word “jing” combined = farming.
24. Said that although the Malaysian economy will not be extremely bad, but, people must be down to earth & be caustious for this year.
25. At the same time, “Malaysia” has the word “West”; it corresponds to this year’s Xin Metal West.
26. Xin stands for hard work, salary, Xiaoli flying knife, wood, iron plow, ox yoke, etc.
27. It indicates that Malaysia, especially Malay politics, has factors of change and instability.
28. Why is Malay politics? Because the word “West” comes after the word “Malay”.
29. However, the Malays are the main population of Malaysia (69%), and naturally they also affect the politics of other ethnic groups.
30. What does the “Return” Hui element of Islam in Malaysia mean for Malaysia in 2021?
31. Xin metal is the moon in the sky, and the moon is the symbol of Islam. What does this indicate?
For details, stay tuned!
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