These are from client’s recent renovation plan. Some important kitchen feng shui points to share with the public.
- The client is doing a FULL renovation for his 3 storey house in KL after MCO.
- He tries to insert a toilet at the back of the house & attach / detach to the kitchen.
- I recommended him that
- the size of the inserted toilet should be kept to red column as shown.
- so that the kitchen is bigger & allow sunlight coming in from section C.
- make A to be the door for the toilet.
- because any door at the wall B & wall C would make a Bad Feng Shui :
- A toilet inside the Kitchen
- Putting Discharge (toilet) into Stomach(Kitchen) causing Sickness.
- Yet, the toilet door is safe at A; as the toilet is separated from the Kitchen.
- Make the toilet bowl at wall D instead of wall B, distancing from the stove.
- Next, make sure that the wall edge does not hit the stoves.
- Slightly adjust a few inches as long as the stoves are not hit but the wall edge( as 2 pencil dotted lines shown above).
These are 2 examples for checking on the renovation plan; after a thorough feng shui on-site audits, plotting the charts and personal BaZi consideration.
Stay Tuned for More Information
- 行管MCO之後,这客户對他位于吉隆坡的三層房屋進行了全面翻新。
- 他試圖在屋子後方建个卫生间,然後將其連接/分離到廚房。
- 我推薦他 如圖所示,
- 新卫生间的尺寸應保持在紅色欄中。
- 使得廚房空间更大,並允許C部分的陽光進入。
- 使用A成為廁所的門。
- 因為B牆和C牆的任何一扇門都會產生不良的風水:
- 意味廚房內置入了廁所。
- 犹如將排泄物(廁所)放入胃(廚房)中會導致病痛。
- 然而,卫生间門在A處是安全的。因為廁所與廚房是分開的。
- 使抽水馬桶遠離火爐方,置在D壁而不是B壁。
- 图标如上
- 接下來,確保牆壁邊緣不會碰撞/对冲爐灶。
- 只要不碰撞/对冲到爐灶,就稍微調整幾英寸(如上圖所示的2條鉛筆虛線)。
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