- Epidemic could happen in any year, any decade, any century not only restricted to years with 20; but number 20 was associated always with epidemics, pandemics & plagues since 1520A.D(500 years ago). Below are the data for your reference.
- 1520 – Smallpox Epidemic (Mexico, 56 millions lives)
- 1620 – Algerier Epidemic (Algeria, 50 thousands lives)
- 1720 – The Great Plague of Marseille (France, claimed 100 thousands lives)
- 1820 – The First Cholera Pandemic – (Asia & Europe, claimed 1 million lives)
- 1920 – The Spanish Flu – (Global, claimed 40 millions)
- 2020– Coronavirus- The rapid spread of the virus that causes COVID-19 has sparked alarm worldwide. The World Health Organization (WHO) has declared this rapidly spreading coronavirus outbreak a pandemic, and many countries are grappling with a rise in confirmed cases(Global, claiming 33 thousands lives up to 30 March 2020).
- According to Chinese Classic – Yijing 易经 numerology and symbolism, 2 is Dui Gua 兑卦 which represents mouth, throat, respiratory system & lungs; connected to coronavirus any disease damaging lung.
- Number 2 is division/separation between light from darkness; perfect from imperfect.
- Number 2 is disagreement/disobedience.
- Second or Number 2 denotes the ruins and devastation.
- Number 2 is enmity & hostility.
- Two, who is contrast to each other(20VS 20) and are also opposed to each other(20V 20).
- According to Yijing and Chinese character/philosophy, when two is enlarging/multiplying/producing/generating to be 20,200, 2000…. then a pair of legs is added to original number 2. Then two 二 becomes 元(Yuan).
- Yuan 元, number 2 on the top, where the bottom is 儿being/human/entity.
- Hence, 20 is Yuan 元.
- Yuan 元 refers to New beginning, Opening, Re-Starting, Kickoff, Takeoff, Blastoff and Rising.
- When you refer to Chinese character of 元 Yuan(top-left of the diagram above), it means double beings of Yin Yang or Angelic Vs Satanic.
- 20-20 is the interplay of 2 dynamic forces. Who are these 2 forces ?
- According to chinese character, 2020 is written as 二零二零 & 二灵二灵。
- Zero, 0 零(Ling, kindly refer to character at bottom left ) is death, fall, drop,withering & ending. Where,
- Zero 灵 means soul, spirit, ghost & invisible force.
- Therefore, Number 20 means The Ending/Falling for 1 party/being is replaced by another upcoming party/being.
- Therefore, 20-20 is the Beginning of New World Order; and coronavirus is there to kickoff this new era.
- Virus of Covid 19 is well captured/conceptualized thru character of Zero 零.
- Virus is commanded(令) by the upcoming force to fly/spread globally like drizzle/rain/sprinkle(雨)
- Number 2 is the Beginning of the NEW physical/tangible/visible world;
- Zero(Ling written as 零&灵) are the souls to be harvested through virus sprinkle/drizzle; just like what happened in 1520, 1620, 1720, 1820, 1920 & 2020.
- 20-20 is the doubling effect of Number 20; the extra effect is the beginning of the New World Order.
- Animal Sign for Number 2 is Goat.
- Abrahamic Religions are associated to the goat as sacrificial animal in Old Testament.
- Apart from 3 of them , China & India are in the field of this competition.
- Who will be successful and excel in the New World Order?
- The winner is always the one with the Crown(宝盖) at the end of the competition or at the final completion of the New World Order.
- When Number 20(written Yuan 元 in Chinese) is crowned on his head; then Yuan元 transforms into Wan完(means completed/perfected/) of the New World Order.
- Wan 完 is a symbol of a crown on the top, where 2 forces at the bottom(Yuan元). A crown(宝盖) over 2 forces(Yuan 元).
- It means the New World Order will be perfected/completed by 2 major powers.
《东方智慧》Oriental Wisdom – Master Soon
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