In October 2011 the world will be commemorating the centennial of the Xinhai Revolution 辛亥革命, ending the Qing Dynasty清朝 and founding a republican China. The Republican revolution (Xinhai Revolution辛亥革命) broke out on October 10, 1911.
The history of Modern China is divided into two periods – 1911 to 1949 and from 1949 onwards. From 1911 to 1949, China was known as the Republic of China and the Nationalist Party Kuomintang (KMT) ruled the country. From 1949 onwards, China is officially known as the People’s Republic of China under the Communist Party of China rule after the Communist division won against the Nationalist in the Civil War that lasted for 4 years from 1945 to 1949.
However, as this blog is about metaphysics, then I would like to draw your attention to “Long March” (1934 -1936) , how Mao Ze Dong(communist) made use of metaphysics in combating with the Nationalists (now in Taiwan)
1934 – 1936: Long March 长征
The Long March saved Mao Zedong and the Communist Party from the attacks by the Kuomintang. It came about when the Chinese Communists had to flee a concerted Kuomintang attacked that had been ordered by Chiang Kai-shek.

Long March. It was considered as militarily wrong to launch Long March as it caused lives and huge loss to communist during the expedition. However, it was metaphysically and absolutely correct to launch this as this led the enemy(Nationalists) into South/South east , the corner of Death Gate. Today, Nationalist has only occupied Taiwan.
In the autumn of 1933, the Kuomintang leader Chiang Kai-shek launched a huge attack against the Communists who were then based in the Jiangxi and Fujian provinces in southeast China. The German general, Hans von Seeckt, advised Chiang Kai-shek not to launch a full frontal attack on Jiangxi. Seeckt’s ‘slow-but-sure’ process lead to the area controlled by the Communists shrinking quite rapidly.
I and my team will be arriving in Guangzhou on 10.10.11 (the actual date of 100 years after the Xinhai revolution), what a coincidence ! Kindly be noted that throughout the ages of China civilization, metaphysics always play a very significant role politically and militarily during the replacement of one dynasty to another dynasty……….. if your lineage does teach about this aspect, perhaps, we share some connection in term of our ………
However, our objective is orientated towards how feng shui is integrated into modern city and modern mega malls….
Stay Tuned for more information……..